Not Always Smiling
Heavy sigh….she has the camera….again. Smile….nope, not gonna happen today. A little grunge to help set the mood….even without the smile, I like it. I’m liking this style.
New Years Day
I was beginning to work on Outside My Window but wasn’t feeling it today at all. I decided to post some shots of the first sunset of the new year instead. Outside My Window will be here tomorrow.
New Year’s Eve
On New Year’s Eve…. ….burning a bayberry candle from tip to socket puts luck in the home and gold in the pocket. Happy New Year!
Do you still hear the bells?
Do you still hear the sleigh bells? I do. Outside My Window will be here tomorrow. Merry Christmas
Frost This Morning
Taken with my three year old Canon point and shoot ~ macro setting…. I can’t wait to get a big girl macro!
Fried chicken cooked in a cast iron skillet….
Bird with a side of Bokeh
Taken in mid-October….
Last Night
Before and After
I have been working on organizing my three hard drives. While extracting/looking/moving files, I ran across a photo I scanned and edited for my brother-in-law not too long after his mother passed away last year. It was a favorite of his…I can understand why because it is a great photograph. When I look at it she is young…she is beautiful…a woman at the cusp of her adult life. Maybe I relate because we were about the same age….and you got to love the peace symbol pillow she is resting on.
After I scanned the photograph I softened the image to minimize the texture. The texture on a lot of…
Wordless Wednesday