What I See
Yesterday was quite foggy in Hampton Roads….when I left my house it was really dense….almost too dense. The fog lightened up quite a bit the closer I got to Williamsburg and I got an idea. I travel down the Colonial Parkway during the last leg of my drive to work. It is always a beautiful drive but one of the things I love about the parkway is the fact there are no traffic lights and I can count on one hand the number of cars I see on my way to work each morning. I carry my point and shoot camera with me so I decided to take a couple…
What I have learned from watching scary movies…
:: It is never a good idea to get out of your car in the dark to check out a body laying on a dark and desolate road. Never. :: People who move in quick, jerky motions and flicker on and off….not the kind of folks you want to spend much time with because they are generally ghosts of some sort. :: Towns that appear deserted when they are normally bustling with people and activity should be avoided at all costs. :: Same goes for deserted houses…especially if it looks like someone hasn’t lived there and forever and the last resident was a crazed killer. :: Run down hotels in…
Wordless Wednesday
Indian River ~ Florida
The final images from my trip to Florida earlier this month. One last look at the Atlantic then on to the river. After spending some time at the beach and shopping, we made our way back to the house in time to walk to one of the piers not to far from my parents house. I wanted to watch the sunset over the Indian River. We weren’t the first ones there…. According to a local, he is here every night at sunset…waiting…. …watching…. …enjoying the show with the rest of us.
While we wait…a view to the South of us…a storm appears to be building here and to our…
Catching Waves
A few more at the beach…. Florida concludes tomorrow evening.
Scenes from Melbourne Beach, Florida
Still more to show you…
Wordless Wednesday
Not tonight…
I know I said more Melbourne Beach photos today…except not tonight. I am past tired this evening…and not even sure why. Oh well…..in the next couple of days I will share more photographs with you. For this evening….I love how my oldest looks so tiny in comparison to the Atlantic Ocean and never ending blue sky. I titled this image “In Awe”.
Wordless Wednesday
Wordless Wednesday