Wordless Wednesday
Wordless Wednesday
Not so long ago I ran across my old 35mm SLR camera… Many of the images you have seen on Friday Flashback were taken with this camera. The places it has been….the sights it has seen and photographed…the memories that come flooding back when I hold this camera in my hands are many. I held it one day, my fingers turning the dial, looking through the viewfinder as I focused…I remembered you had to push the button on the bottom to release your film…then winding until you heard the film release from the slot you had so lovingly tucked it in to not that long ago. Pull up on the…
Wordless Wednesday
I have been pinned
I discovered today that my image of the Crim Dell Bridge was “pinned” on Pinterest. Sweet.
Crim Dell Lore…. It is rumored that if two lovers cross the bridge together and kiss at the crest, they will be together forever. If that couple separates at any point thereafter, however, the lady must throw her ex-lover off the bridge and into the pond to break the curse of being single forever. It is also rumored that if someone crosses Crim Dell alone, they will be alone forever.
Wordless Wednesday
Honey Bee on Hot Day
Like a good part of the country, we are experiencing the unbelievable heat. It is 9:00 p.m. and the temperature is 90°F but when you factor in the humidity, it feels like 107°F. Miserable.
Wordless Wednesday
Down by the river…
Scenes from the Warwick River one evening at sunset…