Wordless Wednesday
Moon-Jupiter Conjunction
“There are nights when the wolves are silent and only the moon howls.” ~ George Carlin The moon has been one of my favorite photography subjects for some time so when I heard that there would be a moon-Jupiter conjunction, I knew I wanted to get a few shots of that. Here are my favorite photographs with the “stats”…. ISO 100 ~ 250mm ~ f/5.6 ~ 1/400 sec This image was taken January 21, 2013 and I was going for moon detail so Jupiter is not as bright….but you can see it near the center top of the image. I also added some texture to this because…well, it was kind of boring without it.
Feeling a little out of sorts….hopefully tomorrow will be a better day….
Wordless Wednesday
Once again….
….we said “until next time” to our hearts….
Monday Macro
With Wings….
….I could fly
Wordless Wednesday
Chasing the light….
…this morning….