Monday Macro
The flowers of a poinsettia….
Something New
I was surprised on the last day of work before my Christmas vacation with a gift from the Associate Director of Grounds at work….an aeonium. Aeoniums are one of the most ornamental of all the succulents. This one is just a baby….but it has already begun it’s upward growth. As it grows, the beautiful crown will sit upon a large, thick stalk. They are quite graceful looking.
Wordless Wednesday
On New Year’s Eve….
….burn a bayberry candle from tip to socket to put luck in the home and gold in the pocket.
Merry Christmas
Do you still hear Santa’s sleigh bells? I do. Merry Christmas
Wordless Wednesday
Gazebo at Sunset
When the veil is thin….
….you never know what you will see…. Happy Samhain! Resources for this image: Tutorial Ground Image Grunge Textures by Pelleron ~ Deviant Art Sky by Pelleron Stock ~ Deviant Art Skeleton Image Birds by Obsidian Dawn ~ Deviant Art Ghostly Woman by Cathleen Tarawhiti ~ Deviant Art {this is not on the tutorial, something I added myself} * Note: There are flowers added in the tutorial that I didn’t use.
Wordless Wednesday
Wordless Wednesday