New For Outside My Window
A new composite photo I created for Outside My Window series….I believe I’m a bit addicted to composites. Wonder if there is a support group?
Credits for stock used Books Curtains Suitcase Chest Chair Window Room And my own resources.
Free March 2014 Desktop Calendars
Yes, it can be done ~ calendars on the first of the month!
To download a zip file of this calendar, click here. There are six high-resolution images available so you can select the one that best fits your screen. To download a zip file of this calendar, click here. There are six high-resolution images available so you can select the one that best fits your screen. Click the link and “save as” your file. Make sure you take note where the file is saved. After the download is complete, go to your saved zip file, extract the files by right clicking the downloaded file and selecting “extract all”….choose a location…
….and another one….
I saw a video on this composite and decided to give it a go today…. Credits: Tutorial Couple/Background Background Bike Wall Ivy Columns Column Ivy Column Flowers Sun Gradient Lamps
In the spirit of the day….
Credits: Heart Balloons Model Chimney/Window Bars Fog Pine Trees Background Background Birds Light Beams
Outside My Window ~ 2.02.14
Outside my window…is blue skies and sunshine as well as moderate temperatures. We are currently sitting at 55°F with an expected high of 60°F today. Loving it! In the span of a week we had two snow storms with a total accumulation of approximately 9 inches. The first snow came the evening of January 21st with a total accumulation of around 3 1/2 inches. The temperature stayed cold enough for that snow to hang around until last Monday until we finally warmed up enough for all the snow to melt. Last Tuesday another front and coastal storm moved in and this time we received a total accumulation of 5 1/2…
Free February 2014 Desktop Calendar
Got around to creating new desktop calendars for February….. To download a zip file of this calendar, click here. There are six high-resolution images available so you can select the one that best fits your screen. To download a zip file of this calendar, click here. There are six high-resolution images available so you can select the one that best fits your screen. To download a zip file of this calendar, click here. There are six high-resolution images available so you can select the one that best fits your screen. Click the link and “save as” your file. Make sure you take note where the file is saved. After the download is complete,…
…a new composite….. Credits: Background/Foreground: Burtn and Burtn Orb: eddyhaze Wings: Moonglowlilly Fairie: Lisa-jen-stock Sparkles: http://www.obsidiandawn.com/ Snow Texture: emilyemilybeth.deviantart.com
Outside My Window ~ 11.10.2013
Outside my window…is a chilly but beautiful morning. When I took Turbo out for his walk it was 45°F with plenty of sunshine and clear, blue skies. We were actually a little warmer than yesterday when we experienced what I would say was our first hard frost. The temperature when I went out for a walk at 6:30 am was 35°F. The cars, rooftops and grass were covered in frost. The mornings have been chilly while the days have been generally mild with temperatures ranging from the low 50’s to mid 60’s. We did have a few days since I last posted in the low to mid 70’s which were not too…
….and she danced….
My newest photo manip. Source Files: Rocks – Burtn Burtn Leina1 Wagon – Wintersmagic Stock Gypsy – Faestock Fire – Shaedsofgrey Tree – AT-Stock Grass – gd08 Path – Celticstrm Iron Kettle – SalsolsaStock Background – Chulii Stock ….as well as my own resources.
Free November 2013 Desktop Calendars
Computer issues have been resolved and the calendars are ready for production…without further delay…. To download a zip file of this calendar, click here. There are six high-resolution images available so you can select the one that best fits your screen. To download a zip file of this calendar, click here. There are six high-resolution images available so you can select the one that best fits your screen. To download a zip file of this calendar, click here. There are six high-resolution images available so you can select the one that best fits your screen. To download a zip file of this calendar, click here. There are six high-resolution images available so you can…