Forecast & Photographs
Today ~ winter storm warning from 7:00 a.m. until 7:00 this evening. Possible accumulation of 3 to 6 inches of snow with ice developing this evening. Travel this afternoon and evening very hazardous or impossible. They did not lie! When I woke up this morning, it was dry outside ~ of course when I got to work we discovered the College was closed. The notification process blows by the way ~ we always seem to find out after we get to work. No problem, it was still dry….I was getting paid for the day because they closed the campus….and the hours I ended up working this morning will be comp time I can take…
A Quiet Afternoon
Catawba Visitors
While visiting my parents earlier this month, I was able to take a few photos of some visitors to the house. I wanted to share them with you today….. Baby blue birds in the house…..my father carefully opened the house so we could see if they had left the nest. We were pleasantly surprised to see the birds still in residence. They kept so very still while we were there ~ except the little guy in front did flinch a bit when I took this photo. Of course, there were hummingbirds….. There were butterflies visiting the butterfly bushes….. ….and our friend the Polyphemus Moth….it was brand new…. This little green guy…..each morning…
Little Friends
I have been going through the many, many photos I took while visiting my parents in Catawba, South Carolina. Many of those photos were of the hummingbirds that visit their feeders. I’m not talking about one or two birds……there were occasions when there would be as many as 15 to 20 birds competing for the four feeders at the same time. It was hysterical watching them…..they did have a way to make you laugh, especially when they took away the feeders for cleaning and refilling. Some of them were quite brave and would buzz close and take a look at us on the porch watching them….others were quite shy. It is…
Photo Session With “BJ”
I thought I would show you some images from my recent photo session with “BJ”.
He was quite stoic at first…I was wondering if this was going to work. But then he got quite verbal and had all kinds of ideas for his shoot. “I think a slightly shy look might be good.” “Or maybe this….” “Hey lady…are you listening to me?” “How about I hop down here, by the flowers….” “Yes, yes…I think this works ~ you can see my awesome color down here” “How cool am I?”
A Face Only A Mother Could Love
Cardinal….the Virginia state bird. Beautiful….red….sings the sweetest song. But I got to tell you…. when they are young….. this is a face only a mother could love…. Please excuse image quality ~ not one of my better shots. I think I was a little freaked out when I saw this!
Outside My Window ~ 5.30.10
Outside My Window…is a warm, hazy morning. Currently it is 78ºF with 76% humidity and partly sunny skies. The forecast high for today is 91ºF with a threat of thunderstorms. This heat combined with high humidity equals a soupy enough mixture to create afternoon thunderstorms. For Memorial Day they are forecasting a high of 94ºF with sunny skies….sounds like a perfect beach day although I probably will not be going. I still enjoy the beach but I don’t enjoy the heat and humidity so much any more.
I am thinking…about a site I witnessed last night with my neighbor as we stood outside and talked. It was around dusk….the sun…
New Bird Bath?
The birds have decided the new fountain makes an excellent bird bath. Maybe because it is something different? Maybe it is the bubbly water on top….a birdy bidet? It is actually a puzzler…I fill the bird bath with fresh water each day ~ I have to because I must have some really dirty birds, the water is filthy each afternoon. I refill the fountain with fresh water. I come inside and wait ~ here come the birds….straight to the fountain. I think the word has gotten around….they are all anxious to check out the cool bubbly water bird bath ~ cleans up their bottoms just right.
Chocolate and Rambling Thoughts
I got a great surprise in the mail today when I got home from work. One of my oldest and dearest friends in Colorado (Hello Carole!) sent me some chocolate sunflower seeds to grow. Yes, you read and saw that correctly ~ chocolate sunflower seeds for planting and growing chocolate sunflowers. I can’t wait to see these flowers!! I wonder if they will have a chocolate taste? Will the birds go from eating the regular sunflower seeds to these and feel like they are getting dessert? If I succeed in growing these, photos will most definitely follow. Thanks again Carole ~ I’m so happy you thought of me!
I read an…
There is something special about being part of a couple…… Sometimes I miss it.