Setting Up House
My parents have a couple of blue bird houses set up on their property here in Catawba, South Carolina. Meet the new Blue Bird residents of this house….they have built their nest and laid some eggs. They will soon have four children ~ possibly more before all is said and done. This morning was spent lounging around the human house…..a very relaxing morning. Later, we went to the movies and saw “The Bounty Hunter” with Gerard Butler and Jennifer Aniston. It wasn’t a bad movie ~ kind of cute with some funny moments, but I have to agree with my father ~ they took a 30 minute story and stretched it out over an hour…
Scenes From My Backyard
I sat in my little backyard yesterday for a bit. I had lots to do….but it was a nice morning, and I decided to sit for a little while and take some practice shots. I had filled the bird feeders and sat quietly in a corner of the yard….if you feed them, they will come.
This little guy was quite curious….almost to ask why I wasn’t leaving….you filled the bird feeders, time to leave human…. I don’t know the name of the tree this Blue Jay is sitting in, but I loved how the the little seed pods added a little decoration to the background. Those seed…
One Gray Day
What started off as a sunny day has turned gray….. thunderstorms tonight with rain and wind tomorrow. I like gray days sometimes.
Bird House Available
~ No Lease Required….First Come ~ Shadowhouse Creations Bookfront, Cover Texture and 1000 Years BC textures applied. Thanks Jerry!
Yet Another Reason
I have an extreme dislike for raccoons. I love hummingbirds. This is my hummingbird feeder I happily filled yesterday afternoon and hung it on the designated hook on my fence….the one I installed last year when I hung my feeder. I originally had a little fancier feeder, but the hummers didn’t seem to interested in it….so I opted for this less expensive one. Day after day I would watch the feeder, hoping for visitors. Sadly, I didn’t experience hummers….but it was late in the year by the time I hung my feeder. I was very hopeful for this year….I would get mine out early. I was timing it with the growth of a large bush…
Signs of Spring
These little guys are everywhere….. My day lilies are pushing through the soil……. …..and a sure sign spring can’t be far off….robin redbreast running around the yard looking for worms…… Spring ~ Bring It On!!
Sometimes…..I wish I could fly into a sunset. But then I have that fear of heights that might be a problem.
A Couple More…
Are you tired of the bird shots yet? I have a couple of more practice shots I took Tuesday afternoon…..again with the 55 -250 lens…. Again, through the sliding glass door ~ it is a little too chilly to sit outside quietly and wait for them to come….but I can’t wait for Spring and Summer!!
I’m having fun playing with the new camera. I had some visitors after I filled the bird feeders on Sunday. I took these through the sliding glass door so they are not as clear as they could be if I was outside. I was practicing with my 55-250 lens… If you look at the left hand of this next photo, you can see another bird ~ mouth wide open! I didn’t even realize that bird was there until I processed this photo, I was concentrating on the other. I almost cut the second bird off with the edge of the door…… It has been a long time since I used something other than a point and shoot…..a…
Outside My Window ~ 2.14.10
Outside My Window…is 30ºF, sunshine and clear, blue skies at 9:30 this morning. We currently have a wind chill of 21ºF with a mild breeze outside….enough to make my wind chimes sing to me. Our forecast today is sunshine with a high of 41ºF. Can’t complain too much about that. I did wake up to light snow yesterday morning….that was the third Saturday in a row we have had snow. This was not much of a storm though……very light snow flurries, maybe a half inch accumulation with all traces gone by this morning. The one thing that has struck me as I have driven around is the mountains of snow…