Snowy Saturday
The day started out with some sleet which soon turned in to a very wet snowfall. The snow ended earlier this evening and the temperatures have dropped considerably. Prior to the snow, I refilled the bird feeders around my house. I liked this photo of the male and female cardinals at the feeder and the little visitor on the pole. Vintage Soft Grunge Texture #14 by Shadowhouse Creations applied.
Bird Thoughts
“The bird thinks it a favor to give the fish a lift in the air” ~ Rabindranath Tagore Vintage Tinted Lens and Cream Textures by Skeletalmess applied.
Lake Maury and The Lion’s Bridge
Last night, I was organizing some files on my computer when I ran across the folder of photos I had taken one afternoon at Lion’s Bridge. I had posted the above image and mentioned that I would write more about him ~ and then I promptly forgot. I need to work on that!
Lion’s Bridge is actually a dam. Information regarding Lion’s Bridge as taken from the Mariner Museum web site: Known as the Lion’s Bridge, the dam forming the lake provides a breathtaking view of the James River, as well as a family gathering place to enjoy the Museum Park. The beauty of the dam is enhanced by…
The Birds
Does anyone remember the Alfred Hitchcock movie “The Birds”? I can’t remember exactly when I first saw the movie….but let’s just say it has been a few years ago.
It was more than likely at a weekend matinee where you could get in for free if you saved R C Cola bottle caps. The theater was always full of kids waiting with bated breath to see the newest releases. There was a cartoon before the movie and they almost always had a double-feature (two movies ~ with an intermission in between). I can’t tell you much about the day I saw the movie, but I can tell you it is one movie that has stayed with me forever. As…
Sitting On The Dock Of The Bay
Sea gulls gathered together passing the time away…. (Thanks Shadowhouse Creations for the Painted Canvas texture)
Something wicked….
On this particular evening, as the sun was setting behind the clouds, the sky had an eerie kind of glow to it. I was at my mother’s house and snapping a few photos here and there when I walked by her now bare walnut tree and noticed this shot. What I didn’t notice until afterwards was the group of birds flying towards me. I noticed them when I lowered the camera….I don’t remember seeing them prior to taking the photo, but there they were. Large birds, normally gulls, are not unusual around my mother’s house. She lives near a large river, which feeds into the Chesapeake Bay. There are vultures that hang around that…
Outside My Window ~ 9.20.09
Outside My Window…is a beautiful almost fall morning. We are at 65F with 73% humidity, sunny with blue skies. The forecast is for a high of 78F with patchy clouds. Beautiful. The dogwood tree leaves are beginning to turn…..they are generally the first to turn around here. I have noticed quite a few berries on mine this year. It appears that when I get a lot of berries in the fall, I get more blooms the following spring. I am thinking…about how quickly summer seemed to fly by. It doesn’t seem like that long ago I was stressing over Alanna’s prom dress and graduation. Now school has started again and…
Outside My Window ~ 9.13.09
Outside My Window…is bright and sunny, a very nice 73F, light winds ~ enough to make my wind chimes sing to me ~ and 77% humidity. Last week we were experiencing fall type weather, which included lots of rain. I heard one day we got almost 5 inches of rain in a relatively short period of time. It just poured……and poured. We had two separate non-tropical systems park off the coast for a period. Winds weren’t too bad either time….or the ones I experienced anyway. It is forecasted to be in the lowers 80’s today….by mid week, in the upper 80’s and then we will cool down again. It appears…
Outside My Window ~ 8.16.09
Outside My Window…is a nice morning……sun is shining….a slight breeze…..81F with 68% humidity. Yea, I’m wishing the humidity wasn’t that high. Wow, I just saw on the weather channel we have had almost 4 inches of rain so far this month…and I have noticed the tropics are picking up ~ three now. We are heading into the real hurricane season now. It officially starts on June 1st, but things usually won’t get interesting until mid August and they can get even more interesting as we approach mid September. It is perfect weather for storms to blossom in the ocean. For people who live near the east or gulf coast, the…
Outside My Window ~ 8.9.09
Outside My Window…is a beautiful, sunny morning in Catawba, South Carolina. There is a slight breeze, temps around 74F at 9:30 with about 68% humidity. This morning, I’m writing on my parents back porch….there are birds visiting the bird feeders and hummingbirds flying here and there. I am thinking…about how nice and relaxing this visit has been. I have thoroughly enjoyed these past few days……..peaceful, quiet….beautiful home and scenery…….and of course excellent company. I’m already mentally planning my next trip to see them.
I am thankful for…Papa and Nina living so much closer to us now…..and for what appears to be good traveling weather for our trip home…