Saturday afternoon in the backyard….
Headaches have been plaguing me in the mornings. I rarely get them…lately more often than normal. Could be from all the weather fronts moving through…high pressure….low pressure….and of course, work pressure. Throw in a cup of family illness…stir and bake overnight. A relatively easy day today….Saturday afternoon in the backyard…
Tasty Tidbits
I took this test shot through my sliding glass door yesterday. I can see somewhat of a reflection in the glass of some plants I have by the door. I think I will have to move them before I get settled in for more shots in the future. Check back tomorrow for the free January desktop calendar….a few technical difficulties prevented me from posting them this evening….tomorrow for sure.
Hangin’ With the Homies
Hey lady….where’s the seed….we got a party goin’ on…. And a new player….she seems to get along well with the others….