Outside My Window ~ 8.23.09
Outside My Window…is a decent morning. Temps are 81F with 68% humidity at 11:00 this morning. Yes, it is quite toasty and muggy outside. What was beautiful, blue, sun shiny skies is now filling with clouds. We are forecasted today to have thunderstorms this afternoon. This is pretty typical weather for this time of year actually. Yesterday afternoon we had an enormous amount of rain from the front that passed through….the same one that kept Hurricane Bill away from the coast. I am thinking…about my things to do list…….and how grateful I am that Alanna remembered the time she got caught in a rip current when we were at Nags…
Outside My Window ~ 8.9.09
Outside My Window…is a beautiful, sunny morning in Catawba, South Carolina. There is a slight breeze, temps around 74F at 9:30 with about 68% humidity. This morning, I’m writing on my parents back porch….there are birds visiting the bird feeders and hummingbirds flying here and there. I am thinking…about how nice and relaxing this visit has been. I have thoroughly enjoyed these past few days……..peaceful, quiet….beautiful home and scenery…….and of course excellent company. I’m already mentally planning my next trip to see them.
I am thankful for…Papa and Nina living so much closer to us now…..and for what appears to be good traveling weather for our trip home…
Greetings From Catawba, South Carolina
I woke early this morning so I could enjoy the beauty of a Catawba sunrise….as reddish orange as the clay that blankets the land. This is a beautiful location……serene and quiet. I’m relaxing on the spacious back porch of my father’s house. …….hummingbirds ……. and an American Goldfinch……. Morning coffee with the folks…….relaxing……..visiting……enjoying life right now.
Catawba, South Carolina
I’m online this afternoon Googling Catawba, South Carolina for our upcoming trip. My father and step-mother have just moved to this area, and while I know it is relatively close to Charlotte, North Carolina…..and they have a new home to explore….that is about all I know about it. I have never spent much time in South Carolina…..generally driving through it to go somewhere else….so this will be a new experience for me. I have discovered the Catawba Indian Nation is in Catawba. Isn’t that convenient since their names are the same!
It is home to a group of Native American potters…..in fact one that has supposedly survived for…