Destination: Charlotte/Catawba
Been away for a bit…. …back home now….heat and humidity welcomed us with hot, muggy arms…. …while our hearts were still lingering with those that we love. Thanks for having us Papa and Nina…. ♥ We love and miss you both! ♥
Charlotte, North Carolina
Yesterday you learned about a train…. …that would take us to the center of the city. The wish to see downtown Charlotte was still a wish as I sat at the kitchen table with Nina our first morning in South Carolina…until she mentioned the train to the city. I knew the wish could become a reality, so we made a plan. We would travel to the city on Sunday to explore…and to photograph. We knew there was a possibility places could be closed, but there would fewer people and cars on Sunday. While their highways are still crowded with cars during peak times, Charlotte is also building a brilliant transit system using a combination of light rail and bus service. We were able to park…
The Train That Made Wishes Come True
Each time we have visited my parents in South Carolina, my youngest has asked if we could go into downtown Charlotte, North Carolina ~ right over the border from my parents house. Traffic in an extra large city can be crazy if you know where you are going…but in a strange city, not a adventure I was anxious to take. Enter the Blue Line for the Lynx light rail system…and a girl’s wish can come true.
Things that made me smile this week…
My favorite vacation spot…. …with my family… …coffee and breakfast with my dad each morning… …taking time to smell the flowers… …push-up lovin’ lizards… …more of these beautiful birds than you could count visiting with us each day… …good times and wonderful memories… Thanks for having us Papa & Nina… we miss you already!
Catawba, South Carolina
I’m online this afternoon Googling Catawba, South Carolina for our upcoming trip. My father and step-mother have just moved to this area, and while I know it is relatively close to Charlotte, North Carolina…..and they have a new home to explore….that is about all I know about it. I have never spent much time in South Carolina…..generally driving through it to go somewhere else….so this will be a new experience for me. I have discovered the Catawba Indian Nation is in Catawba. Isn’t that convenient since their names are the same!
It is home to a group of Native American potters…..in fact one that has supposedly survived for…