Postcards From The Past
While I was cleaning out a closet, I ran across an old box of photographs and mementos. I found this old postcard inside the box… Pretty cool huh? Take a look at the back and the cost to mail this card… The back of this card is available as a free download for personal use….1660 x 1030 @ 300dpi….click here if you would like a copy. This is a .png file. Click the link and choose “save” or “save as”. Make sure you take note where the file is saved. The file you download will not have my logo on it and the edges are cleaner.
Friday Flashback
A trip to Mt. Evans ~ circa July 1979 Mt. Evans ~ 14,265 feet ~ 154 feet taller than Pikes Peak A view of Echo Lake along the road to Mt. Evans. A frozen Summit Lake….did I mention this was June?
The high alpine lake lies in a cirque formed by Mt Evans and neighboring Mt Spalding (13,842). Notice the tiny little people by the lakes edge…it is quite large. The Crest House at the top of Mt. Evans was built in 1941. It once served as restaurant and gift shop as well as an observation deck. It also provided emergency oxygen for visitors. I wish I had a…
Friday Flashback
With the extraordinary snow storm that hit Denver today, I couldn’t help but remember the Christmas Eve Blizzard of 1982. The area I lived in received 34 inches of snow during that blizzard….these are some images after all was said and done…. I am standing next to my car that was buried in the snow. My boyfriend barely made it home that afternoon. Many last minute shoppers ended up getting stuck in the malls overnight…cars were abandoned on the highways…and the airport was shut down. We lived on a rather steep hill… My balcony was on the end, second floor ~ right above that snow drift. The drift wasn’t actually…
Friday Flashback
Once upon a time I owned ferrets. A male and a female… Gandolf…. …and Galadriel. My then boyfriend and I were fans of the Lord of the Rings trilogy ~ the books that is…this was long before the movies were even a dream. They were the best pets…loving….each with their own unique personality…and they chuckled when they were happy. They would chuckle a lot, especially when it was time to play. They were my little buddies. I still miss them….a lot.
Friday Flashback
Kiowa, Colorado ~ Circa 1981 Maybe an hour or so outside of Denver…head south, eastern plains. I can remember watching the storms while looking north across the plains late one afternoon…we watched several tornadoes drop from the sky… …it was awesome and frightening all at the same time. You could see a car coming down the dirt road for miles at night…and the faint glow of the lights of Denver to the northwest. You could hear the coyotes while sitting around the fires at night…and imagined they were just outside the fires glow….watching. A totem created by the land owners to keep evil away…land owners that were our very good…
Friday Flashback
Welcome to Steamboat Springs, Colorado ~ circa March 1983 Rabbit Ears Pass Views from a Gondola Steamboat’s infamous moguls and champagne powder. Checking out the slopes that morning….my former boyfriend and our adventure buddies!
You could ski right up to the condos. Steamboat Springs was one of my favorite places to visit when I lived in Colorado…I would love to go back one day.
Welcome To Denver
The Mile High City….Denver, Colorado….land of promise and dreams for myself and my then boyfriend. Thirty three years ago, the view of the city and the Rocky Mountains took our breath away as we drove in from the east. We had taken our time getting here…but the closer we got, the more anxious we were. The lure was a new adventure….the mountains, it was the reason we came. It was our dream to see them…..to hike in them…..to backpack in them. We were finally here. We contacted our friend from Virginia and found his house in Denver. He had generously offered his home to us until we could find our own…
33 Years Ago…..
Thirty three years ago, my boyfriend at that time and I decided we wanted an adventure. I was 22, he was 27. We were both from the East Coast….I had traveled some in my young years because my father and stepfather were in the Navy……he had spent his entire life in Virginia. I was from the coast, he was from the Piedmont area. We met while working together at a hotel in Williamsburg ~ at that time known as the Best Western 1776. He was a waiter, I was a desk clerk. We met….dated….and fell in love. After a period of dating, we moved in together and planned our adventure. We saved and…