Outside My Window ~ 8.2.09
Outside My Window…M*U*G*G*Y….overcast skies, temperature is around 79F right now and 85% humidity at 830. Our forecast for today is thunderstorms, some possibly severe. I ran my 3 miles this morning…..felt more like a swim with all the moisture in the air!!
I am thinking…about all the things I need to do before we leave on our trip. I have started a list of things to take with me and will be pulling our bags out so I can start packing a few things. It won’t be a long visit so won’t require too many things, but I tend to over-pack. Guess it is better to have too much…
Red, White, Blue with a little bit of Yellow & Orange
Yippy Skippy….my largest tomato finally started turning red today! I was beginning to wonder if it was ever going to turn and at the same time deciding if there was such a thing as a healthy fried green tomato. We had another round of thunderstorms this afternoon and as I often do when I get home from work after a round of storms, I check to see if “everyone” survived in the garden. I was thrilled to see this flash of red on an otherwise green bush! I applied CoffeeShop Vivid Action on this photo……yes, I’m still having way too much fun with these actions. For my white selection, I have a…
Sunflowers ~ CoffeeShop Orton Style
I was trying out some different CoffeeShop Actions today during my lunch hour and came up with this…….. I took this photo this morning as the sun was cresting over the rooftops. The sunflowers were heavy with the rain from last night, and there were a few more new blooms. I created this effect using the CoffeeShop Orton action for PhotoShop Elements. I like the way it softens the image. The actions are very easy to use, and I like how Rita has designed it so you have the ability to adjust levels if you so desire. I’m having too much fun with these…. and so much more to explore.
Outside My Window ~ 7.26.09
Outside My Window…is extremely warm and very humid. At 7:43 a.m., it was already 78F with 80% humidity. It is so oppressive outside I cut my run short. The combination of the heat and humidity made for a very hot run. And I’m sitting inside today….it was my intent to sit outside, but I thought I was never going to cool down so thought I better sit inside and do so today. Our forecasted high today is 95F with a chance of thunderstorms…..hmmm, with that much humidity outside right now, I’m not surprised. I am thinking…about how hungry I am. I think part of the reason the heat and humidity…
Playing with Actions…
I ran across an amazing blog……Rita creates free actions and textures for Photoshop/Photoshop Elements/Lightroom at CoffeeShop….and she has giveaways too. If you have any interest in editing/adding effects to your photos, you definitely need to give her space a look. This is a photo I took at my mothers Thursday evening as the sun was setting on that side of the house. I used CoffeeShop Golden Vintage and CoffeeShop Burn plus old paper effect on PSE. There are tutorials available for installing the actions and beautiful photo examples. Rita is a talented artist and editor……take at look at some of her work at CoffeeShop.
The Thin Place
I had mentioned that I was working on some digital art recently and that I would post one of my “creations” but wanted to look at it some more. I thought I would give you a peek at what I have thus far…..I don’t think I will add any more layers to this, but that could change too. It is called “The Thin Place”. Depending on your beliefs, it means different things. To the Christian world, thin places are those spots you visit where the veil between heaven and earth are so thin you feel much closer to the spiritual realm. Pagans or Celtic spiritualists believe it is a gateway of sorts to other…