Happy Earth Day!
On April 22, 1970, approximately 20 million people gathered together to increase public awareness about protecting and preserving the planet. Forty years ago today, the first Earth Day was officially celebrated. Since that day, we have made tremendous strides in caring for mother earth and making people aware ~ but there is still plenty of room for improvement. Several things you could do to help ~ please consider recycling if you don’t already….eliminate the use of pesticides in your lawn or garden…..buy energy saving bulbs and appliances. We don’t inherit the earth from our ancestors… we borrow it from our children. ~ David Brower ~
Happy Earth Day!
My hope is future generations will never have to say “remember when there were trees and clear, clean water”……..do what you can to preserve our natural resources.
Outside My Window ~ 4.19.09
Outside My Window…partly sunny at the moment, but more clouds are expected to build throughout the day. It is about 60 degrees right now with a forecasted high of 71. Oddly enough, our air quality is “good”……..I would think with all the pollen coating everything, not so much in the good range. If you want to get an idea of what I’m talking about, I posted a couple of photos of my Jeep coated in pollen on my blog yesterday ~ “Welcome to Virginia“. I am thinking…about all the things I want to get accomplished today. It is quite a list so I’m hopeful I can get through most…