Outside My Window ~ 10.13.2013
Outside my window…is yet another cloudy and rainy day. The rainfall pattern goes from drizzle to pouring rain to light rain to drizzle….rinse and repeat….for the 7th straight day. We did need the moisture but this has been a bit of over kill in that department. I read on Friday that we had received 4 to 6 inches of rainfall in our area…I would add about another inch and a half to that for Friday night, all day Saturday and this morning. I don’t know which end of the spectrum we are on but I will say that I had pulled the level down in my water barrels to about half before this storm and…
Free December 2012 Desktop Calendar
Running a bit late this month….but at last the December 2012 free desktop calendar is here. There are four to choose from this month…. To download a zip file of this calendar, click here. There are six high resolution images available so you can select the one that best fits your screen. To download a zip file of this calendar, click here. There are six high resolution images available so you can select the one that best fits your screen. To download a zip file of this calendar, click here. There are six high resolution images available so you can select the one that best fits your screen. To download a zip file…
What I See
Yesterday was quite foggy in Hampton Roads….when I left my house it was really dense….almost too dense. The fog lightened up quite a bit the closer I got to Williamsburg and I got an idea. I travel down the Colonial Parkway during the last leg of my drive to work. It is always a beautiful drive but one of the things I love about the parkway is the fact there are no traffic lights and I can count on one hand the number of cars I see on my way to work each morning. I carry my point and shoot camera with me so I decided to take a couple…
Scenes from Lake Matoaka
While I was out and about the other day taking the photograph of Lake Matoaka for my desktop calendar, I took a few extras… The Lake Matoaka Amphitheater…the sky is totally blown out on this image, but I like it… ….and a view from the stage…
Outside My Window ~ 11.6.2011
Outside my window…is the first evening after daylight savings time ended. It is about ten minutes until eight but it feels much later than that. It has been dark forever….how can it not even be 8:00 yet?!?! It is currently 48°F with calm winds. Calm winds were not the norm around here this past weekend. The last nor’easter that visited and quickly pulled away on Friday left a path of heavy winds all day Saturday. Today wasn’t as bad but still breezy….especially near the James River late this afternoon. We warmed up to about 60°F today which is close to average for the area. Looks like we will stay in…
Wordless Wednesday
A Beautiful End
When I got home from work this evening, I had this view of the moon looking east….. With an amazing ring around it….. And to the west, a beautiful sunset….. A beautiful, bright moon…..amazing colors from the sunset. My mind was in overload….I didn’t know which way to point the camera.
Letting Go
We had rain and wind last night… ….many leaves were letting go. Free to float on the wind. I like how the ones in the middle look like little hearts.
Outside My Window ~ 11.14.10
Outside My Window…is a beautiful, cool morning. At 10:45 we have blue skies, sunshine, 58ºF with calm winds. Our forecast high for the day is 63ºF and clear skies….doesn’t get too much better than this folks. Simply beautiful! This is the time of year I love temperature wise…the nights are cool and the days are mild. I like cool nights because I like snuggling down under the covers when I sleep…and I can do that now that the horrendous night sweats have left the building. Can I get a hallelujah on that please?
I am thinking…that another cup of coffee sounds pretty good right now. I have been up…
Crim Dell Bridge ~ Fall 2010
Taken during lunch today.