July 2012 Free Desktop Calendar
There are two free desktop calendars to choose from this month….the first ~ To download a zip file of this calendar, click here. There are six high resolution images available so you can select the one that best fits your screen. And the second calendar…. To download a zip file of this calendar, click here. There are six high resolution images available so you can select the one that best fits your screen. Most of you know the drill, but just in case….click the link and choose “save” or “save as”. Make sure you take note where the file is saved. After the download is complete, go to your saved…
Another Free Desktop Calendar For April
I decided I needed another free desktop calendar…one with a more masculine theme and what is more masculine than creatures. Trust me, this was taken with a zoom, I wasn’t this close…..I don’t know if these creatures jump and I would have really freaked if it had jumped on me.
I was taking several shots of this gecko sunning himself when he changed positions, did his little push-up dance and out came the bright red pouch. It was almost as if he knew just what I was hoping he would do. To download a zip file of this calendar, click here to get this calendar. There are six high…
Free April Desktop Calendars
I have put together two desktop calendars for April so far…. To download a zip file of this calendar, click here. There are six high resolution images available so you can select the one that best fits your screen. To download a zip file of this calendar, click here. There are six high resolution images available so you can select the one that best fits your screen. Click the link and choose “save” or “save as”. Make sure you take note where the file is saved. After the download is complete, go to your saved zip file, extract the files by right clicking the downloaded file and selecting “extract all”….choose…
March Desktop Calendar Freebies
A new month….new desktop calendars free for your use. We have three this month…. To download a zip file of this calendar, click here. There are six high resolution images available so you can select the one that best fits your screen. To download a zip file of this calendar, click here. There are six high resolution images available so you can select the one that best fits your screen. This month, I added a masculine themed calendar for those of you who may not particularly want flowers on your desktop.
To download a zip file of this calendar, click here. There are six high resolution images available so…
A Texture/Overlay Freebie
I was trying to decide what to post tonight as I played around with a few texture images I had when it morphed into this…. I used it in this image below as an example….first the original photograph Not a bad photograph…and now after I added the texture/overlay… My recipe for the “after” photograph was original image and one layer of Prototype 1 – blending mode is multiply @ 75% opacity…a second layer of Prototype 1 on top of the first layer – blending mode is overlay @ 40% opacity. You can download the texture/overlay here. It is a large 300dpi file ~ 3300 x 3300 ~ so it may…
December 2011 Free Desktop Calendar
{Update} The link has been reactivated 12/2/11 @ 6:50 p.m….. I have disabled the link for the time being….when I got to work today and checked out the link on my computer I discovered most of them were too large for the monitors and didn’t display the full calendar….and I forgot to add the 31st!
I think I panicked more than I realized when PhotoShop crashed last night and I had to reinstall. This one and the others will be up later this evening ~ hopefully I will get the bugs worked out of doing this sooner rather than later.
It took a little while….but I finished one of the free desktop…
October Desktop Calendar ~ Updated
A free desktop calendar for October 2011 { If you saved a copy early this morning, you need to do so again ~ I forgot to complete all the dates in the earlier version.
} Click here to open the 1600 x 1080 sized copy. Right click on the image and select “set as background”. If you have any problems, please let me know. A side note…I promise not to make every month a flower.