Things That Made Me Smile This Week
After what happened to my daughter’s car Tuesday night, I really had a tough time finding a lot to smile about. I managed to find a few things…like gas prices that continue to fall…. ….more farm fresh goodness and a safe way to transport them home…. …and happily enjoying my homemade granola. Hopefully next week will bring news on the car situation and that will make me smile. What made you smile this week?
Things That Made Me Smile This Week
Visiting with my niece and her family while they were here on vacation… More bee action on the lavender… Friends who provide farm fresh goodness in pretty baskets… Enjoying a rainbow that followed a rain storm… …which was followed by amazing blue skies…. …and a prettiful sunset!
But the biggest smile of all….my first red tomato!! Sweet! What made you smile this week?