A Recipe or Two
Confetti chicken is up on the menu tonight…. ….an easy to make dinner dish…. It can be served with a heavy cream sauce…. …or it can be prepared with just the vegetables and maybe some fresh mozzarella…. This is the Italian Seasoning I use….but like any recipe, this is a starting point…take it and run with it, make it your own. I personally think some fresh, summer basil would also be a nice addition….something I will try this summer. Either way, I hope you enjoy. Click here for Confetti Chicken and Spicy Cream Sauce. Enjoy!
My mouth still hurts this evening…and I don’t believe my sinuses were too fond of the dentist visit either. I think I was in denial…I guess I didn’t think it would be so hard. I knew what a bridge was….I don’t know what I thought they were going to do ~ glue some fake teeth in my mouth? I have come to the conclusion this is how chicken little (aka me) manages to tolerate the dentist so often…denial.
Outside My Window ~ 11.28.2011
Outside my window…is a Monday rather than a Sunday. Maintenance on the sight last night prevented me from posting when I wanted to….I was exhausted and decided it would need to wait until today.
I worked hard during the holidays and my time off….from preparing a Thanksgiving dinner from start to finish for the first time in over twenty years to my endless fall cleaning to putting up and decorating the Christmas tree. The holiday started off rather cool but ended unseasonably warm. Our average for this time of year is 57°F….our high temperature yesterday was 70°F. Currently {at noon} it is 71°F….and our high is forecast for…