Friday Flashback
Nellie… …gone from our lives much too soon…. …Happy Birthday Grandma… …we miss you every day…
Our theme for week 10 of Project 52 was Childhood Toys. Many, many moons have passed since I was a child and unfortunately I have no toys from my childhood, but I do have this Raggedy Ann doll that my paternal grandmother made for me when I was in my 20’s. I didn’t have any children at the time, in fact she was beginning to wonder if I ever would. She decided I needed a baby doll and I happily accepted when she offered. I did finally have two daughters and their great-grandmother got the chance to see them before she left us. I pull out my Raggedy Ann every once in awhile….I smooth out…
The End Of The Letter The paper is yellow and worn…. …the edges are frayed … …written in the hand of a child…. …and sent to her grandparents…. almost 50 years ago. Project 52 suggested theme this week was “words”…..mine is a letter from me to my grandparents.
Some people have grandfathers….some people have Papa’s…. …..he was always Grandaddy to me. He was born on this day in 1901 in Currituck, North Carolina. He was a farmer. He married Nellie and they had 7 children. My mother was their youngest. When we would visit when I was a little girl, I would get up with him each morning to help him let the chickens out of their houses. When it was time for us to go home, the day before he would carry me around with him as he cried. I’m the cute blond standing next to him.
He drove an old John Deere tractor to the store. I can still hear…
Mary Belle
Mary Belle was born in rural Alabama. She married Martin and had seven children. She made the best cinnamon toast, biscuits and vegetable soup ever. She didn’t drive until very late in her life. She didn’t like riding over bridges ~ it was ironic because her husband built them. Once she got out of the car and walked over the bridge because she thought it wasn’t safe to ride over. During a conversation, she would whisper words she deemed inappropriate to say out loud. She loved her family and her faith. She didn’t like to have her picture taken. It has been said that I look just like her, since the day I was born.…
Keepsakes ~ a gift that evokes memories of a person or event with which it is associated I think most people collect keepsakes….pressed flowers from someone special….a piece of jewelry….a cuddly toy. When you gaze upon these items, they remind you of a special date, a special person, a special moment. I have several such keepsakes from my childhood, my children and my grandparents. My friend Tracey at These Nine Acres wrote a post about a keepsake from her grandmother. I began to think about some of the keepsakes I have from my grandmothers. My maternal grandmother, the wife of a farmer….a woman who deeply believed in her faith…..who would sing hymns…