Samhain 2013
Samhain, when the barrier between the worlds is whisper-thin and when magic, old magic, sings its heady and sweet song to anyone who cares to hear it.” ― Carolyn MacCullough Source files: Model Texture Shield Pillar Chains Dead Branches Wall Carving …and my own resources
Outside My Window ~ 12.11.2011
Outside my window…is a pretty frosty evening as we are closing in on 9:00 p.m.. We are currently at 33°F, which is also our forecast low for the evening. Today was sunshine and blue skies but fairly cool with only a high of 45°F. We will gradually build our way up to a high of 60°F by Thursday. I noticed on the weather channel the past couple of days that a lot of places that normally have plenty of snow have barely seen any this year….you wonder if they are going to have a mild winter….or if the worst is yet to come. We generally don’t see snow this early….we…
What I have learned from watching scary movies…
:: It is never a good idea to get out of your car in the dark to check out a body laying on a dark and desolate road. Never. :: People who move in quick, jerky motions and flicker on and off….not the kind of folks you want to spend much time with because they are generally ghosts of some sort. :: Towns that appear deserted when they are normally bustling with people and activity should be avoided at all costs. :: Same goes for deserted houses…especially if it looks like someone hasn’t lived there and forever and the last resident was a crazed killer. :: Run down hotels in…
Outside My Window ~ 10.31.10
Outside My Window…are howling winds….rain….ghosts….goblins.
Kidding…..couldn’t resist. Yea, my kids tell me all the time I’m not right. We actually have a gorgeous morning. The temperature at 11:47 a.m. is 64ºF, sunshine, blue skies with some high clouds painted across the sky…not enough to diminish the sunshine though. Our forecast high is 68ºF for today with a low of 45ºF for this evening. Sounds like the kiddos trick or treating tonight may need jackets or warm clothing under the costumes. If I remember right, the costumes I use to buy for my daughters were quite thin and on cold Halloween evening we would have to get creative so they…
Happy Samhain
Long ago at the end of the third and final harvest, the Celts celebrated Samhain. It was a time to commune with and remember the dead, a celebration of the eternal cycle of reincarnation. One of the possible sources for the origin of the name Samhain is from the Irish Gaelic word “samhraidh read”, which means the summer’s end. It marked the end of summer and the beginning of winter for the Celts. The day after Samhain is the official date of the Celtic New Year. This day was chosen as the date to celebrate because it was at this time the sun was at it’s lowest point on the horizon…