Disappointed Tonight
Tonight was our city’s annual tree lighting celebration, HollyDazzle. They have school children singing carols, street vendors, lots of people laughing, talking and visiting while they wait for the fireworks and the tree lighting. Sadly, my hope to feel better last night didn’t pan out ~ I actually felt worse when I woke up this morning.
I called in to work while I stayed in bed the entire day and most of the evening so far. I’m sitting here now listening to the fireworks go off in the distance. Soon I will be getting ready to crawl back into my bed, starting to feel rough again. I had planned to attend with my sister this evening…
Outside My Window ~ 12.06.09
Outside My Window…the sun is coming up to a clear sky and temps at 35F ~ wind chill is 28F. The lack of clouds and rain has made me smile this morning. Yesterday was miserable and wet…..todays forecast is 45F with sunshine and blue skies. These sunshine days are welcome…..we really could do without the rain for a few days. I believe we already have over an inch of rain for the month of December……add that to the nearly 12 we received in November, well let’s just say the ground feels like a very soggy sponge. There were some very large puddles on roadways yesterday….there is no where for this…