• Outside My Window

    Outside My Window ~ 8.23.09

    Outside My Window…is a decent morning.  Temps are 81F with 68% humidity at 11:00 this morning.  Yes, it is quite toasty and muggy outside.  What was beautiful, blue, sun shiny skies is now filling with clouds.  We are forecasted today to have thunderstorms this afternoon.  This is pretty typical weather for this time of year actually.  Yesterday afternoon we had an enormous amount of rain from the front that passed through….the same one that kept Hurricane Bill away from the coast. I am thinking…about my things to do list…….and how grateful I am that Alanna remembered the time she got caught in a rip current when we were at Nags…

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    Dodged A Bullet

    Looks as if the East Coast dodged a bullet this weekend……Hurricane Bill is forecasted to pass between the United States and Bermuda.   Thanks to a front that is moving east, it is not expected to make landfall anywhere in the US.  The only impact we will probably have will be increased wave action and rip currents if it stays on this course.  Here’s hoping that front continues moving east and doesn’t stall ~ otherwise, it could get dicey folks!!