Like A Flower
Life is sometimes like a flower. Take my hibiscus plant for instance…. I start out my day….. fresh….ready….looking good. And then I get home from work…… ….and I’m feeling a bit tired and wilted. Fortunately I don’t wither completely away.
How do you feel at the end of your day? Many thanks to I Brake For Bokeh for ‘When The Hurley Burley’s Done’ Lightroom Preset.
Playing with Actions…
I ran across an amazing blog……Rita creates free actions and textures for Photoshop/Photoshop Elements/Lightroom at CoffeeShop….and she has giveaways too. If you have any interest in editing/adding effects to your photos, you definitely need to give her space a look. This is a photo I took at my mothers Thursday evening as the sun was setting on that side of the house. I used CoffeeShop Golden Vintage and CoffeeShop Burn plus old paper effect on PSE. There are tutorials available for installing the actions and beautiful photo examples. Rita is a talented artist and editor……take at look at some of her work at CoffeeShop.