Another Free Desktop Calendar For April
I decided I needed another free desktop calendar…one with a more masculine theme and what is more masculine than creatures. Trust me, this was taken with a zoom, I wasn’t this close…..I don’t know if these creatures jump and I would have really freaked if it had jumped on me.
I was taking several shots of this gecko sunning himself when he changed positions, did his little push-up dance and out came the bright red pouch. It was almost as if he knew just what I was hoping he would do. To download a zip file of this calendar, click here to get this calendar. There are six high…
Things that made me smile this week…
My favorite vacation spot…. …with my family… …coffee and breakfast with my dad each morning… …taking time to smell the flowers… …push-up lovin’ lizards… …more of these beautiful birds than you could count visiting with us each day… …good times and wonderful memories… Thanks for having us Papa & Nina… we miss you already!