• Outside My Window

    Outside My Window ~ 2.17.2013

    Outside my window…is a mixture of sun and clouds as well as quite cold and windy.  Currently we are at 35°F but with the wind blowing at 13mph and gusting up to 23mph, it feels more like 26°F.  Our high today is forecast at 36°F which is not much over our low yesterday of 34°F.  We did get an inch and a half of snowfall yesterday however not too much of it stuck.  There was a dusting on the rooftops, some on the cars and a few patchy areas on the ground…nothing on the streets and sidewalks.  The weather folks had said that what snow we did get wouldn’t stick around because it…

  • Photography

    Moon-Jupiter Conjunction

    “There are nights when the wolves are silent and only the moon howls.”  ~ George Carlin The moon has been one of my favorite photography subjects for some time so when I heard that there would be a moon-Jupiter conjunction, I knew I wanted to get a few shots of that.  Here are my favorite photographs with the “stats”…. ISO 100 ~ 250mm ~ f/5.6 ~ 1/400 sec This image was taken January 21, 2013 and I was going for moon detail so Jupiter is not as bright….but you can see it near the center top of the image.  I also added some texture to this because…well, it was kind of boring without it.  🙂

  • Free Stuff

    Two More Free November 2012 Desktop Calendars

    I’m adding two more free November 2012 desktop calendars…. To download a zip file of this calendar, click here.  There are six high resolution images available so you can select the one that best fits your screen. To download a zip file of this calendar, click here.  There are six high resolution images available so you can select the one that best fits your screen. Click the link and choose “save” or “save as”.  Make sure you take note where the file is saved.  After the download is complete, go to your saved zip file, extract the files by right clicking the downloaded file and selecting “extract all”….choose a location or accept…

  • Outside My Window

    Outside My Window ~ 12.11.2011

    Outside my window…is a pretty frosty evening as we are closing in on 9:00 p.m..  We are currently at 33°F, which is also our forecast low for the evening.  Today was sunshine and blue skies but fairly cool with only a high of 45°F.  We will gradually build our way up to a high of 60°F by Thursday.  I noticed on the weather channel the past couple of days that a lot of places that normally have plenty of snow have barely seen any this year….you wonder if they are going to have a mild winter….or if the worst is yet to come.  We generally don’t see snow this early….we…

  • Outside My Window

    Outside My Window ~ 11.6.2011

    Outside my window…is the first evening after daylight savings time ended.  It is about ten minutes until eight but it feels much later than that.  It has been dark forever….how can it not even be 8:00 yet?!?!  It is currently 48°F with calm winds.  Calm winds were not the norm around here this past weekend.  The last nor’easter that visited and quickly pulled away on Friday left a path of heavy winds all day Saturday.  Today wasn’t as bad but still breezy….especially near the James River late this afternoon.  We warmed up to about 60°F today which is close to average for the area.  Looks like we will stay in…

  • Things That Made Me Smile This Week

    Things that made me smile this week…

    First….but no photograph….a check from the insurance company for my daughter’s car that surpassed my wildest dreams. Sweet! Wispy clouds that dance in a blue sky…. ….followed by beautiful sunsets…. …and my sweet moon shot ~ I know I posted it the other day, but it did make me smile this week  🙂  …. …new beginnings… …and waiting for them to say hello…. …an early morning movie to see the epic ending of a wonderful series of movies with my sister…. ….followed by lunch at one of our favorite restaurants where we talked almost non stop about the movie. PS ~ the movie did not disappoint…I loved it, right down to the last minute.…