Before the sun set….
…I saw a plane fly over the moon.
Outside My Window ~ 1.23.10
Outside My Window…at 8:15 this evening is a dark and extremely cold night. We are currently at 26°F with a wind chill of 19°F….our forecast low is 16°F. C-O-L-D has been the forecast this winter for most of the country. I believe even Florida has experienced its share of frosty days and night. I also read that a good deal of the country has already experienced its annual snowfall. People are snow weary and we still have a couple of months of winter left. Brrrrr! I am enjoying a nice fire in my fireplace at the moment. I took a little nap in front of a fire last night in my hammock rocking chair last night….I usually have no problems napping in it, but the fire made it…
This is not the Winter Solstice moon….this was taken six months ago during the Summer Solstice. Last night was a total lunar eclipse…total. The entire thing was visible and quite beautiful. But where are the images you ask….not there. None….notta. Why you ask….because our crystal clear night was not so much during the parts of the eclipse I saw. I went outside earlier and checked out the skies…so clear, so hopeful. From that time until the actual event, things changed. Our humidity has been high at night which can create hazy skies during the very early morning hours. While I could see the moon perfectly, the haze (or maybe it is that marine layer of…
I’m Ready!
Tonight is the night….I’m ready! A total lunar eclipse…total. A total exclipse during a full moon. And during the Winter Solstice….last time that happened….1638. And not a cloud in our sky tonight. Totally sweet! I’m getting ready to go lay down… …and set some alarms…. ….cause I’m ready for an experience of a lifetime.
A Beautiful End
When I got home from work this evening, I had this view of the moon looking east….. With an amazing ring around it….. And to the west, a beautiful sunset….. A beautiful, bright moon…..amazing colors from the sunset. My mind was in overload….I didn’t know which way to point the camera.
I like this. I’m tired tonight. I like this too…. A little fun with Topaz. Goodnight.
Just Beautiful
Did you walk outside tonight? Did you see?
Lack of Sleep
My lack of sleep last night is creating a problem with my post this evening….my brain can’t think. I don’t know why I couldn’t sleep last night, too much on my mind creating too much brain chatter I suppose. I will see you all tomorrow ~ hopefully rested.
Tuesday Morning Run
I walked outside this past Tuesday morning around 5:50…..I was working at home so I was able to “sleep in” a little bit longer. This sunrise is the site that greeted me as I stepped out my door. I’ll admit, not the most spectacular sunrise I have ever seen, but it reminded me of how many of these I have seen because I get up very early to run……..and how running has affected my life. I started running “late” in life……..I was in my 40’s. One summer morning when my daughter’s were in Colorado visiting their father, I woke up and decided to go for a run on the beach. …