Storm of a lifetime?
We experienced a thunderstorm last night…a nice saturating rain. This was not from Hurricane Irene…this was because of a front that was moving east but stalled west of us. This is the front that is going to steer Hurricane Irene right up the coast to New England…giving us all an extremely soggy and windy hug all the way up. Trust me, no one is particularly excited at the thought…nervous is a better word…a little anxious. I’m not looking forward to long hours of howling winds and rain. We are now under a hurricane warning and a flood watch….a warning means hurricane conditions are imminent in the next 36 hours. I have been accumulating ice and will buy a bag or two on…
Last Gasp
With our colder temperatures at night, I have seen the last of my morning glories. Until next year.
Dream Realized
Last fall, I would pass by this house in Colonial Williamsburg that had a fence covered with morning glory flowers and vines….it was beautiful. The big, blue flowers would greet me every day before work. I decided I wanted to plant morning glories so they would grow over my fence by my front door and greet me each morning when I walked out. Dream realized……..
Outside My Window ~ 8.29.10
Outside My Window…is a sunshine, blue skies with a few white puffy clouds. The temperature at 10:45 is 82ºF with about 60% humidity. It feels pretty warm when you walk outside. Forecast today is for the upper 80’s with no rain. That seems to have been the mantra for most of our summer…..no rain. We have managed to squeeze a few drops here and there to keep things from completely dying….but the ground is quite dusty and could use a few days of water. But…..be careful what you wish for this time of year because we are heading into the heart of the tropical and hurricane season right now and there…
Outside My Window ~ 8.22.10
Outside My Window…is a mostly cloudy morning, 81ºF with 85% humidity at 9:45 this morning. It feels like 88ºF outside when you factor in the heat index. Yuk! This is typically one of those mornings when you walk outside it feels as if someone has thrown a wet blanket over you and you began to sweat immediately. As I said….yuk! We have a chance today of scattered thunderstorms ~ some of which could be severe. This type of forecast is normal if we have a hot and humid day. Of course you think rain will cool you off….not so much around here. It can rain, and then the sun will come out and turn the…
This Moment #7
{this moment} A Friday ritual. A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you’re inspired to do the same, leave a link to your ‘moment’ in the comments for all to find and see. (copyright SouleMama 2010) . Inspired by SouleMama and passed on to me by CoffeeShop Free Actions….why not leave your moment there as well.
It’s That Time Again
If you have been visiting here for a while, you may remember I participated in The Great Sunflower Project last year. In case you haven’t, the idea behind this project is by San Francisco State University is to gather data on urban, rural and suburban bee populations. To participate, plant a certain type of sunflower plant and count the bees that visit during a specific amount of time. I know…..yawn ~ how exciting. But actually, it isn’t so bad. Take a cold beverage and sit outside while you view and count ~ I can think of worse way to spend a day.
Because of increased participation, they have asked that you purchase your seeds…
Morning Glories
Kate from A Picture a Day and Chronicles of a Country Girl has been experimenting with collages recently. She has inspired me to post one of my own……a small collection of my morning glories. I have taken these at various times. If you click on the image, you will get a larger view. Check out the flower in the upper left ~ I didn’t even notice the spider/cob web surrounding that flower until I began to process it. I wasn’t actually that close when I took the photo so I missed it during the actual shot. I thought it looked pretty cool. Don’t you like it when you get unexpected surprises after taking a…