Outside My Window ~ 4.11.10
Outside My Window…is the end of a beautiful day in the neighborhood. Mid 70’s…..sunshine…..blue skies….just a slight breeze ~ simply beautiful. I spent the better part of today working outside, weeding and trimming. Combined with the hauling and work I did today with the mad house cleaning from yesterday, I probably won’t be able to move tomorrow.
I am thinking…I’m going to share with you the greatest and most economical weed block I have ever used. Last year in Mother Earth News someone wrote about using newspaper as weed block. The method is to lay down newspaper in the area you want to block weeds and wet it thoroughly. Cover the wet…
Outside My Window ~ 11.29.09
Outside My Window…is bright, blue, sun shiny skies. The temperature this morning at 8:45 is 49F with very light winds. The humidity is low ~ for us anyway ~ at 59%. Any morning you wake up with no dew on the windshield, you know the humidity is low that morning. Our forecast for today is 67F with partly cloudy skies. With the exception of Wednesday and Friday, we have had pretty decent weather during my time off. Rain showers are in the forecast for tomorrow. I noticed our precipitation for the month of November is already at 11.19 inches……10 of which was received during Nor’Ida earlier this month. It has been a soggy month. I…
Outside My Window ~ 8.16.09
Outside My Window…is a nice morning……sun is shining….a slight breeze…..81F with 68% humidity. Yea, I’m wishing the humidity wasn’t that high. Wow, I just saw on the weather channel we have had almost 4 inches of rain so far this month…and I have noticed the tropics are picking up ~ three now. We are heading into the real hurricane season now. It officially starts on June 1st, but things usually won’t get interesting until mid August and they can get even more interesting as we approach mid September. It is perfect weather for storms to blossom in the ocean. For people who live near the east or gulf coast, the…
Outside My Window ~ 7.26.09
Outside My Window…is extremely warm and very humid. At 7:43 a.m., it was already 78F with 80% humidity. It is so oppressive outside I cut my run short. The combination of the heat and humidity made for a very hot run. And I’m sitting inside today….it was my intent to sit outside, but I thought I was never going to cool down so thought I better sit inside and do so today. Our forecasted high today is 95F with a chance of thunderstorms…..hmmm, with that much humidity outside right now, I’m not surprised. I am thinking…about how hungry I am. I think part of the reason the heat and humidity…
Outside My Window ~ 6.21.09
Outside My Window…is a partly cloudy, windy and 83 degree day. This is a big improvement over yesterday’s 96 degrees. It was quite hot and miserable yesterday. I ventured outside for my run early in the morning, back out to get some neighborhood photos for the blog and then I was pretty much an indoor kitty yesterday!
I am thinking…about how quickly this year has gone by. Is it me or has this year just flown by so far? It doesn’t seem like spring was that long ago much less the first day of summer already. I am thankful for…the two most important men in my life…….my father and…
Outside My Window ~ 5.31.2009
Outside My Window…is cloudy at the moment. The sun was peaking through earlier during my run but it appears as if the clouds have taken over for the most part now. Our forecast is for scattered thunderstorms today. I am thinking…about how relieved I am to finally finish all the major work in the flower beds this year. Now I just need to control the weeds, and I’m good to go. I worked outside yesterday (see my earlier blog post for photos) on some weeding maintenance in the corner garden where I removed the stump earlier this spring, and trying to get rid of some decorative grass that my neighbor…
No Knead Bread
As promised, but a bit late, is the recipe for the No Knead Bread…..or Crusty Bread as I like to call it. I got this recipe from an issue of Mother Earth News. You can read the entire article if you like by clicking here. No Knead, Dutch Oven Bread 1/4 tsp active dry yeast 1 1/2 cups warm water 3 cups all-purpose flour, plus more for dusting. You may use white, whole wheat or a combination of the two. 1 1/2 tsp salt Cornmeal or wheat bran for dusting In a large bowl, dissolve yeast in water. Add the flour and salt, stirring until blended. The dough will be shaggy…
Progress…..movement, as toward a goal; advance. Progress has been made on the side flower bed. I worked about 8 hours yesterday on it and still have a little bit to go. I was contemplating finishing it off this afternoon but that will not happen. Thunderstorms are forecasted so that little bit will have to wait. And I caved……..I was going to turn most of it back into grass ~ but when I began to pull up the weed block, I noticed no weeds underneath, they were all on top of the little bit of old mulch I had there. So I tried pulling a few weeds, they came up very easily. Then I got…