Outside My Window ~ 11.10.2013
Outside my window…is a chilly but beautiful morning. When I took Turbo out for his walk it was 45°F with plenty of sunshine and clear, blue skies. We were actually a little warmer than yesterday when we experienced what I would say was our first hard frost. The temperature when I went out for a walk at 6:30 am was 35°F. The cars, rooftops and grass were covered in frost. The mornings have been chilly while the days have been generally mild with temperatures ranging from the low 50’s to mid 60’s. We did have a few days since I last posted in the low to mid 70’s which were not too…
Outside My Window ~ 10.13.2013
Outside my window…is yet another cloudy and rainy day. The rainfall pattern goes from drizzle to pouring rain to light rain to drizzle….rinse and repeat….for the 7th straight day. We did need the moisture but this has been a bit of over kill in that department. I read on Friday that we had received 4 to 6 inches of rainfall in our area…I would add about another inch and a half to that for Friday night, all day Saturday and this morning. I don’t know which end of the spectrum we are on but I will say that I had pulled the level down in my water barrels to about half before this storm and…
On January 1st of this year, I decided to do a post on each day of the year. I’m not going to lie to you….it hasn’t been easy. There have been days when I sit and stare at the computer. And look at photo after photo after photo. Then I have to decide what to write. And I got nothing…zippo….zero. Like tonight.
65 days to go….
A sure sign of fall….mums! They aren’t so fancy…they don’t smell so sweet… …but I like them.