Outside My Window ~ 5.30.10
Outside My Window…is a warm, hazy morning. Currently it is 78ºF with 76% humidity and partly sunny skies. The forecast high for today is 91ºF with a threat of thunderstorms. This heat combined with high humidity equals a soupy enough mixture to create afternoon thunderstorms. For Memorial Day they are forecasting a high of 94ºF with sunny skies….sounds like a perfect beach day although I probably will not be going. I still enjoy the beach but I don’t enjoy the heat and humidity so much any more.
I am thinking…about a site I witnessed last night with my neighbor as we stood outside and talked. It was around dusk….the sun…
Outside My Window ~ 5.2.10
Outside My Window…is a very warm morning. Already the temps are at 78º with partly cloudy skies…actually more sun than clouds right now. Combine the humidity it feels like 81º outside at 9:25 am. Our forecast high for today is 94º with winds 15 to 25mph. This sounds like a forecast for a summer day, not early May when our average temperature is 70º. The beaches are definitely welcoming visitors this weekend but with the winds, you will feel like you are being sandblasted. To get some relief, you may venture into the water….except while the air temperature is very hot, the water temperature is still spring temperatures…that means you will be wading…
Outside My Window ~ 8.16.09
Outside My Window…is a nice morning……sun is shining….a slight breeze…..81F with 68% humidity. Yea, I’m wishing the humidity wasn’t that high. Wow, I just saw on the weather channel we have had almost 4 inches of rain so far this month…and I have noticed the tropics are picking up ~ three now. We are heading into the real hurricane season now. It officially starts on June 1st, but things usually won’t get interesting until mid August and they can get even more interesting as we approach mid September. It is perfect weather for storms to blossom in the ocean. For people who live near the east or gulf coast, the…
Red, White, Blue with a little bit of Yellow & Orange
Yippy Skippy….my largest tomato finally started turning red today! I was beginning to wonder if it was ever going to turn and at the same time deciding if there was such a thing as a healthy fried green tomato. We had another round of thunderstorms this afternoon and as I often do when I get home from work after a round of storms, I check to see if “everyone” survived in the garden. I was thrilled to see this flash of red on an otherwise green bush! I applied CoffeeShop Vivid Action on this photo……yes, I’m still having way too much fun with these actions. For my white selection, I have a…
Outside My Window ~ 7.12.09
Outside My Window…actually, I am sitting on my back patio ‘outside my window’……errr, sliding glass doors. I have finished my 2.25 run on this beautiful, 78 degree, fairly muggy morning. And oh yes, it was hot when I was running. As I said, I am now in my tiny backyard enjoying a cup of blackberry sage iced tea (in my cool Catalina Island cup ~ ahhhh, Avalon ~ thanks Doo!) as I cool down. I thought “why not” sit out here and do my thing because after the run this morning, it actually feels nice and cool sitting here.
I am thinking…why a couple of my tomato leaves on…
A Second Look
Remember the backyard nightmare I had in early April……… ……..that eventually got better……….. …….is looking pretty good now……….
Saturday Snapshots
I worked outside most of the day today…….pulling up lots of grass that suddenly appeared in the corner garden and tackling the front garden. I thought I would share some photos with you……. This is the corner garden I triumphantly removed the stump from several weeks back. The jasmine plant I put here is doing well…..loving the new home. And the violets too. Bottom right corner you can see the sunflowers. Here is another shot…… These are the sunflowers I planted from the seeds I received from The Great Sunflower Project I had posted earlier. I hope some of you sent off for them and yours are growing too. And check…
Progress…..movement, as toward a goal; advance. Progress has been made on the side flower bed. I worked about 8 hours yesterday on it and still have a little bit to go. I was contemplating finishing it off this afternoon but that will not happen. Thunderstorms are forecasted so that little bit will have to wait. And I caved……..I was going to turn most of it back into grass ~ but when I began to pull up the weed block, I noticed no weeds underneath, they were all on top of the little bit of old mulch I had there. So I tried pulling a few weeds, they came up very easily. Then I got…
Before and After
Part of my “things to do” during my time off was clean up the backyard. I have before and after photos of my hard work. I think this coming winter I will stay on top of the yard better than I did this past year!
…..and the same area after Empty pots are waiting to be filled with plants sometime real soon! Next we move to the back right……..before The “bowl of green” is what should be my fountain……I keep telling myself I need to turn it over after I remove the pump each winter. You would think I would remember because it is such a pain to clean. Now…