Outside My Window ~ 4.24.11
Outside my window…the end of a beautiful, albeit very hot day. Very hot. At 7:00 in the evening it is 85°F as the sun is setting. I think our high was close to 90°F. That is too hot for Easter in my opinion…this is mid summer hot, not near the end of April hot. I don’t want to go from winter to summer…please. I am thinking…that it was a nice day…a nice dinner…and now a nice evening. The entire weekend has been very nice. And because it has been a nice weekend and turning into a nice evening….this is going to be short and sweet. From my kitchen…today it was potato salad…
Why I Love My Rain Barrel
My name is Debbie ~ and I’m a sucker for suffering, drought stricken plants. I had made a decision last night after yet another afternoon of watching the Weather Channel and witnessing the big, green blog which typically indicates rain on the weather map disintegrate as soon as it got to my area. Yet another afternoon of no rain. I discovered this past weekend that we are in the grips of a moderate drought but they assured us that would be relieved to a degree after a Saturday of soaking rains. Well, the soaking rains went everywhere but here. We barely got a shower. So I made a decision….I had to let…
Product of My Labor
Are you tired of the rain barrel yet? I was so pleased it worked!
Outside My Window ~ 5.16.10
Outside My Window…is a beautiful, sun shiny day right now. Current temperature at 1:20 is in the mid 70’s with rain expected later this afternoon or evening. We also have a chance of thunderstorms later. Thunderstorms have been the norm the past few evenings around here and last night was no exception. The claps of thunder were so loud they woke me from a very deep sleep….and as each daughter came out of their room this morning they asked if I heard the thunder last night. It was as if powerful explosions were going off right outside the house…..and then the rains came pouring down. I am thinking…since I have set…
Over Half Full
I can’t believe it…..we had a thunderstorm come through our area earlier this evening. It rained for a little bit and my rain barrel is over half full! We are talking probably 28 gallons of water folks!! I have heard the stories, I have read all about it….yet I’m still amazed at how much water came off my roof during that short rain storm. I’m loving this already! I’m not so fond of the ugly gray and probably should have painted it before I set it up….but I can live with that for the time being because well….. OVER HALF FULL!
Rain Maker….
…..bring us some rain. I made a discovery earlier this week….for a mere $40 I would learn how to make a rain barrel with the barrel and conversion hardware supplied. This is a class provided by the Hampton Master Gardeners and the City of Hampton several times each spring. I signed myself up and off to Bluebird Gap Farm I went. They had a short class prior to barrel making on water conservation and recycling. Afterwards we went outside and proceeded to make our rain barrels….. My 55 gallon olive barrel from Spain with conversion hardware. The holes are pre-drilled prior to our arrival. Using nuts, washers and caulk, the faucet is installed…