Things That Made Me Smile This Week
Jasmine by my front door My roses blooming in my garden Robin Redbreast hunting bugs in the yard Blooming flowers at my mom’s house Even the ones with creatures included Backyard bunnies munching on clover Heart felt lawn ornaments…no matter how old or rusty and finally….homegrown goodness from friends What made you smile this week?
Return To Normal
Hurricane Earl was not so much in our area….some wind…..some rain….we were lucky. I came home from work this afternoon and put my garden flag back up…. ….and hung my wind chimes back where they belonged…. ….refilled the bird baths I had emptied and put away last night…. ….rehung the feeders filled with seeds for the birds…. ….took photographs of my morning glories…. ….and some unexpected fall roses…. ….return to normal…. ~ until the next time.