Another Free February 2012 Desktop Calendar
Here is another free calendar for your personal use…. To download a zip file of this calendar, click here. There are six high resolution images available so you can select the one that best fits your screen. Click the link and choose “save” or “save as”. Make sure you take note where the file is saved. After the download is complete, go to your saved zip file, extract the files by right clicking the downloaded file and selecting “extract all”….choose a location or accept the location the computer suggests {make sure you take note where the file was extracted}. Now you are ready to get your calendar….find the extracted file,…
Outside My Window ~ 1.30.12
Outside my window…is a chilly 41°F at close to 11:00 in the evening. I’m constantly amazed at how time flies when you are at home…crawls when you are at work. I was doing some work at home this evening ~ photography related ~ but time doesn’t crawl when I doing that type of work. Sigh. We have had one of the strangest winters I can remember in a long time…but I got snow from Colorado in the mail the other day. Yes, snow….in the mail…I’ll show you one day soon.
I am thinking about…what made me believe that I could eat chicken wings and work on this post this…
Outside My Window ~ 12.11.2011
Outside my window…is a pretty frosty evening as we are closing in on 9:00 p.m.. We are currently at 33°F, which is also our forecast low for the evening. Today was sunshine and blue skies but fairly cool with only a high of 45°F. We will gradually build our way up to a high of 60°F by Thursday. I noticed on the weather channel the past couple of days that a lot of places that normally have plenty of snow have barely seen any this year….you wonder if they are going to have a mild winter….or if the worst is yet to come. We generally don’t see snow this early….we…
Two More Free December Desktop Calendars
I’m really hoping I get the hang of this sooner rather than later….if you saw my earlier post you discovered a deactivated link because once I got to work I discovered the sizes weren’t working…….and I forgot to add the 31st on the calendar!! Groan. In my defense it was a fairly stressful night what with the software issues. I had to un-install and reinstall and all seems to be running fine now so I was able to do a couple more this evening. I think these are good to go….or I should say I hope these are good to go now.
I believe I will do a few…
Friday Flashback
Welcome to Steamboat Springs, Colorado ~ circa March 1983 Rabbit Ears Pass Views from a Gondola Steamboat’s infamous moguls and champagne powder. Checking out the slopes that morning….my former boyfriend and our adventure buddies!
You could ski right up to the condos. Steamboat Springs was one of my favorite places to visit when I lived in Colorado…I would love to go back one day.
Earlier last month, I decided I was going to participate in several online photo challenges during the coming year. I happily discovered the Blogger’s Community Photo Challenge the other day. The theme for this challenge is white. My submission is one I took the Sunday after Christmas during our major snow storm. If you are interested in participating, follow the link for more information. Submissions for this challenge are due January 7th.
At the height of the snow storm this past Saturday (December 26th), I piled up pillows, grabbed a blanket and made a comfortable spot for myself on the couch and watched out my window for visitors to a seed bell I had hanging in my red maple tree. This is a series of photos I took of a cardinal feeding. Unfortunately the photographs are shot through the window and a screen so they are not tack sharp….but I liked them anyway. I am seriously considering removing the screen from that window though…just in case.
Outside My Window ~ 12.26.10
Outside My Window…snow, snow and more snow! What began as a White Christmas yesterday afternoon has turned into quite an event today. It has been snowing since about 3:30 yesterday but very hard since early this morning. It looks as if the neighborhood trees have all been flocked with several inches of powdery, white snow. I can’t see my front steps…it is quite deep outside. The Weather Channel estimates we have about 6 1/2 inches right now ~ I think locally there may be more around here. I do live in the rain/snow/ice belt of the peninsula so that is a possibility. When I say I live in the rain/snow/ice belt it means…
Can It Be?
This was a quick shot of a section of my backyard… …taken through my sliding glass door after our last snow. Believe it or not ~ there is a good chance we will have a white Christmas this year! Not so typical around here….I’m quite excited.
Forecast & Photographs
Today ~ winter storm warning from 7:00 a.m. until 7:00 this evening. Possible accumulation of 3 to 6 inches of snow with ice developing this evening. Travel this afternoon and evening very hazardous or impossible. They did not lie! When I woke up this morning, it was dry outside ~ of course when I got to work we discovered the College was closed. The notification process blows by the way ~ we always seem to find out after we get to work. No problem, it was still dry….I was getting paid for the day because they closed the campus….and the hours I ended up working this morning will be comp time I can take…