After The Storm…
…there is always blue skies.
Wordless Wednesday
Outside My Window ~ 8.29.11
I had actually completed this post last night however prior to publishing, I saved it as a draft…and all but this paragraph was gone afterward.
Beyond frustrated because of what happened, I wasn’t up to recreating the entire post so I went to bed. I’m leaving the first paragraph as it was….and will begin it again today. Outside my window ~ 8.28.11…is the close to our first day with no worries over an approaching hurricane. It was a beautiful albeit hot day….blue skies, sunshine and plenty of wind left over. Our forecast high was 91°F and it was still a bit humid since the storm passed. There are leaves, branches and limbs everywhere but surprisingly the trees still look pretty full. The…
Outside My Window ~ 7.11.11
Outside my window…is a warm and relatively humid night. At 9:00 this evening we are currently at 85°F but it feels like 91°F. I just stepped outside to see if it was still that warm outside…it is. I suppose this is the head start to a high of 98°F forecast for tomorrow. I can’t get over the 90+ temperature days we have had so far this year. I think there are more than a few people that will agree that this has been a hot, miserable season thus far. I am glad…the blinding migraine that paid me a visit yesterday has decided to let up enough so I can almost function like a normal person again…
The End
I captured this image at sunset…looking south. I believe this was the back end of the cold front that set off all of the horrible thunderstorms that produced so many tornadoes in the south. There were still some dark clouds around here and there but for the most part, the storms have moved off the coast. The line of storms still looks quite strong off the coast….this was one for the history books. Oddly enough, you couldn’t see the setting sun, it was blocked by cloud cover. These clouds must have been high enough to catch the last gasp of golden color.
My Second Choice
Yesterday I posted my entry for Storms in the Community Photo Challenge. This was my second choice. I took this one around 2:00 Monday afternoon, earlier than the one I submitted. This is the roof of the building I work in. I don’t work upstairs in this area….the offices have high ceilings and the desks sit well below the windows, which surround the entire top of the building. Nice offices, lots of light…even a little secret passage. But it is also hotter than hell in the summer and frosty in the winter….makes me appreciate my little space with only two windows that much more.
The Community Photo Challenge ~ Storms I took this Monday afternoon as I was leaving work….. ….moments before the bottom fell out. I was going to use an old photo of storm clouds but decided against it when this opportunity presented itself. I decided early on I wanted my challenge photos to be fresh if at all possible. While it appears I have processed this one as a black and white image, I have not. The bare trees and dark clouds did that all by themselves.
Visit the link to see the other entries.
Now We Wait….
I took this outside my office in Williamsburg around 2:00 today…. ….we were beginning to see some of the first bands of clouds this morning around sunrise. Five o’clock today looking west. Six o’clock looking east……he will be passing by us off shore. Tropical storm warnings….maybe I will sleep through it.
Outside My Window ~ 8.2.10
Outside My Window…is a different view than you normally hear about. I’m publishing this from work today so there is still mad construction going on outside my window. If you remember I told you about the view from my office and the heavy equipment previously….well, it isn’t that close now and it appears they are trying to wrap up this segment of the Power Plant upgrade. Of course they dug a trench around the building this morning and have roped the area off not to long after everyone arrived ~ not sure how they expect people to get in and out ~ but when 4:30 rolls around this afternoon, they will either have it opened back up…