• Gardens,  Life In General

    First Bloom

    I couldn’t help but take this photo this morning before leaving for work….my first bloom has totally opened up, glistening with drops of last nights rains. Isn’t it beautiful?  Remember I said how much the plants have grown…..in order to take this photo, I had to stand on my tiptoes with my arms extended over my head hoping I had it centered.  I’m seriously going to need a ladder to get photos of some of the other ones when they bloom!!  🙂 Thanks to the Great Sunflower Project for the seeds so that I may grow these beauties….I will soon be bee watching in my yard.

  • Outside My Window

    Outside My Window ~ 7.12.09

    Outside My Window…actually, I am sitting on my back patio ‘outside my window’……errr, sliding glass doors.  I have finished my 2.25 run on this beautiful, 78 degree, fairly muggy morning.  And oh yes, it was hot when I was running.  As I said, I am now in my tiny backyard enjoying a cup of blackberry sage iced tea (in my cool Catalina Island cup ~ ahhhh, Avalon ~ thanks Doo!) as I cool down.  I thought “why not” sit out here and do my thing because after the run this morning, it actually feels nice and cool sitting here.   🙂 I am thinking…why a couple of my tomato leaves on…

  • Gardens

    Saturday Snapshots

    I worked outside most of the day today…….pulling up lots of grass that suddenly appeared in the corner garden and tackling the front garden.  I thought I would share some photos with you……. This is the corner garden I triumphantly removed the stump from several weeks back.  The jasmine plant I put here is doing well…..loving the new home.  And the violets too.  Bottom right corner you can see the sunflowers.  Here is another shot…… These are the sunflowers I planted from the seeds I received from The Great Sunflower Project I had posted earlier.  I hope some of you sent off for them and yours are growing too.  And check…

  • Miscellaneous,  Outside My Window

    Outside My Window Today ~ 4.5.09

    Outside My Window…is an amazingly beautiful day right now….a bright blue, sunny sky ~ not a cloud in sight ~ and 61 degrees.  High today is forecasted to be 70 degrees……..yea baby!  But all good things must come to an end…..clouds will come later this evening…..thunderstorms on Monday but still warm and then the mid 50’s on Tuesday!!  Ouch. I am thinking…about all the things I want to get done around my house ~ inside and outside ~ during my time off this next week.  On my list of things to do is to get the flower garden on the side of my house in order.  I’m hoping I get…

  • Gardens,  Miscellaneous

    The Great Sunflower Project

    Here is a great way to get some free sunflowers for your garden with very little effort.  The Great Sunflower Project will send you a packet of Lemon Queen sunflower seeds if you sign up to volunteer.  The nice thing about these sunflowers, they can also grow in a pot on your deck or patio so one doesn’t need a large garden to plant them.  In exchange for the flower seeds, they are asking volunteers to collect some data on the number of bees that visit your flowers….. Twice per month, we will send you an email giving you the preferred sampling weekend. If you can’t watch your sunflower on one…