I Have Arrived
Earlier this week I participated in a photography assignment on The Pioneer Woman’s blog. She posted a photograph of her brother-in-law on horseback and asked that we edit it any way we wanted. When she has an assignment she will pick her favorites and at the end award a grand prize as well as runner up prizes….usually a generous gift card from B&H Photo online. Gift card = me buying some photo goodies that will make me smile. I have participated in a few of the past assignments and submitted a photo or two…but sadly my photos have never made the selected groups of photos for grand prize/runner up consideration. Well folks….that ends today….I have arrived!
Outside My Window ~ 5.16.10
Outside My Window…is a beautiful, sun shiny day right now. Current temperature at 1:20 is in the mid 70’s with rain expected later this afternoon or evening. We also have a chance of thunderstorms later. Thunderstorms have been the norm the past few evenings around here and last night was no exception. The claps of thunder were so loud they woke me from a very deep sleep….and as each daughter came out of their room this morning they asked if I heard the thunder last night. It was as if powerful explosions were going off right outside the house…..and then the rains came pouring down. I am thinking…since I have set…
Give Aways
Not too long ago, I participated in a give away hosted by Mary at The Provident Woman…..and I was one of the winners! I can no longer say “I never win anything”.
My goodies arrived today…….what a wonderful box it was too. Mary and her husband raise bees, and the winners of their giveaway won products created in their home……..this little one was full of the sweetest and so very tasty honey…… I can’t imagine what it would be like to have fresh honey any time you wanted. This tag was included to explain the contents, and these colorful little jewels are honey sticks…….. Something to keep your lips soft…
Outside My Window ~ 10.18.09
Outside My Window…is gray, gloomy and windy. At 7:30 a.m., it is 49F but could feel colder if you were outside because of the wind. We are on the tail end of a double nor’easter that came through the end of last week. The high today will be a whopping 3 degrees warmer than it is right now…..52F. I had to turn the heat on for the first time yesterday. We are forecasted to receive a bit more rain…..but the pavement is dry right now. I am thinking…how in the world three people can mess a house up so quickly? And to make matters worse, we are not here…
Red Pepper Risotto
I mentioned I was going to make a new dish for dinner the other night….Red Pepper Risotto. I have often mentioned making new things and thought maybe I would actually start following it up with a recipe….if I like it ~ I wouldn’t subject you to something I may have scrapped into the trash! And bonus……..I took the time to take some photos so there are visual aids.
I found the recipe at The Pioneer Woman’s site……it is quite tasty. The recipe is hers, the photos are mine. Red Pepper Risotto 8 cups chicken broth (low sodium if you’re buying it in the store) 3 tablespoons olive oil 1/2 medium…
Outside My Window ~ 8.23.09
Outside My Window…is a decent morning. Temps are 81F with 68% humidity at 11:00 this morning. Yes, it is quite toasty and muggy outside. What was beautiful, blue, sun shiny skies is now filling with clouds. We are forecasted today to have thunderstorms this afternoon. This is pretty typical weather for this time of year actually. Yesterday afternoon we had an enormous amount of rain from the front that passed through….the same one that kept Hurricane Bill away from the coast. I am thinking…about my things to do list…….and how grateful I am that Alanna remembered the time she got caught in a rip current when we were at Nags…