Remember how I was saying all summer long how I wished it would rain…. …and how I was so happy these past two days we were finally getting rain? Well…..see the big clump of yellow over Eastern Virginia? Wish Granted! I guess I should have specified I didn’t mean all at once.
An update ~ for those of you who don’t check the Weather Channel every hour on the hour after hearing the words “hurricane in the Atlantic moving west”
…Hurricane Earl is still a powerful Category 4 hurricane headed towards the United States. Everyone keeps saying it is going to turn….the sooner the better please. I’m hopeful…but then ~ Image Credit ~ The Weather Channel This is the worst case scenario….passing right over the Outer Banks. They have issued a hurricane watch for most of the North Carolina coast. Interests in Virginia and north to New England have been advised to monitor Earl. The best case scenario has it at a more…
Oh Danny Boy
**Update** ~ Danny fizzled before creating any problems for us. Life is good! No, I’m not going to sing for you today ~ just lamenting the fact there is another storm out in the Atlantic….and this one is tracking a little bit closer than the last one. We are located at the bottom of the “M” in the word Sat AM on the map below. It will be another rough weekend at the beach…….more strong waves and rip currents I’m sure.