• Outside My Window

    Outside My Window ~ 6.17.2012

    Outside my window…is the closing hours on the final Sunday for Spring 2012.  According to the Old Farmer’s Almanac the Summer Solstice will occur on June 20, 2012 at 7:09 p.m..  Next week the view will change outside my window…summer is here.  It is almost 6:00 in the evening in Hampton Roads….the sky is mostly cloudy but there are snippets of blue sky and sunshine…and the temperature right now is about 70°F.  There is very little chance of rain tonight and for the most part the clouds that are out right now are white and fluffy.  It has been a mild and breezy weekend….my wind chimes sang plenty of songs…

  • road trip

    The Gardens at Biltmore

    A few images from the Walled Garden at the Biltmore House, Asheville, North Carolina.  These were taken in the upper garden area which features the flowers.  The shrub garden is located near the conservatory but was not in bloom during our visit in early April. The photographs will show you a sample of the gardens but they barely do justice to the actual gardens which are quite breathtaking.  Looking towards the conservatory from the upper flower garden. A view of the house from the flower garden area.