Scenes from Melbourne Beach, Florida
Still more to show you…
Wordless Wednesday
Outside My Window ~ 10.16.2011
Outside my window…is a beautiful fall morning. It is close to 11:00 this morning and we have blue skies, sunshine and a mild temperature of 64°F. Our forecast high today is 75°F with zero chance of rain. A vastly different forecast than I experienced last Sunday while in Florida. For those who aren’t up on current events, last Sunday I was in Melbourne Beach, Florida were we experienced tropical temperatures along with some howling wind and torrential downpours during the system with no name that moved inland. Quite a ride…but it had all cleared out by Monday morning and we were able to enjoy a little bit of time in…
Wordless Wednesday
A Preview
I have been working on my vacation photographs this evening. Here is a preview…my youngest and her friend at Looking Glass Falls, North Carolina.
Crim Dell Bridge ~ Fall 2010
Taken during lunch today.
Why I Love This Place
Daydreaming While Watching Sunsets
I was able to get my sunset photos web ready this evening… …the PSE installation was successful. They weren’t quite as colorful as I had hoped….but the clouds were interesting. I simplified this image in Topaz…it kind of gave the water a weird kind of texture. Kind of flaky looking I guess. I like the tiny airplane at the top. When I see an airplane, I always wonder where they are going…. …or where they have been. Hopefully it was a good flight either way.
6 + 305
An amazing sunset over Oregon Inlet…located on Hatteras Island… which is part of the Outer Banks, North Carolina. Notice the sea gull chilling on the post. As of today, I made it 6 months with a post a day. Every day….6 months. Woo Hoo!
I was worried I would make it through one month. Six more to go…. Hmmmmmm…I’m hopeful. Oh….and I made it to 305 posts. Can’t believe 300 went by and I missed it. Sigh.
This Moment #6
{this moment} A Friday ritual. A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you’re inspired to do the same, leave a link to your ‘moment’ in the comments for all to find and see. (copyright SouleMama 2010) . Inspired by SouleMama and passed on to me by CoffeeShop Free Actions….why not leave your moment there as well.