I Do Not Like Spring Gnats!
I love these longer days……more daylight which equals the opportunity to take more sunset photos for me. I apparently can’t get enough.
But I have to tell you, on this day, it was rough. I was so excited when I pulled into the lot and jumped out of the car, camera in hand and ready to snap away. The sky was beginning to turn these amazing colors…..the water was like glass. I rushed down one of the piers, picked my spot and began to snap away. I went to reposition myself, lowered the camera and OH.MY.GOD! I can not even begin to explain the number of gnats that swarmed over me. …
Scenes From Our Hike
Today we went shopping and out to eat in Charlotte, North Carolina. It has been a long day so I’m going to feature a couple of photos from our hike yesterday……. We had just been talking about the lack of any bird or squirrel’s nests in the area and decided it was because the eagles nest was in these woods. Not too long after that, we noticed a rather ragged looking squirrels nest….which turned out to be not so far from the eagles nest. Once we saw the proximity of the squirrels nest to the eagles….we figured out why it was so ragged looking….possibly ravaged by the eagle searching for…
Wordless Wednesday
Little Creek In The Forest
This little creek winds through the forest and is usually not much…..but due to the mass quantities of rain this winter, it is deeper and flowing quite nicely now. My plan was to get a few more photos, but the floor of the forest is like a huge sponge….far too soggy to go exploring on.
Outside My Window ~ 11.1.2009
Outside My Window…is a cloudy and windy morning. Right now it is 59F with winds at about 17 mph. We are at our high temp for the day right now. It was cloudy and 80F yesterday. Welcome to Virginia weather. On the weather channel I noticed there is another low off the coast of North Carolina which means rain today and probably tonight….and the rain has arrived as well as the wind. The rest of the week will be in the 60’s during the day, low 40’s at night. The new image above was taken outside my patio doors actually…..I had not closed my blinds last night and caught this…
Outside My Window ~ 10.25.09
Outside My Window…is quite cloudy….the temp is 59F with forecasted high of about 67F and cloudy skies today. Not quite as hot as it has been the past few days….yesterday was a balmy 82F. The one thing I don’t especially enjoy about fall and/or spring weather….you are never quite sure what type of clothes you will need for the day ~ sweaters or shorts? I am thinking…about how quickly this year has gone by. It doesn’t seem possible it is the final week of October…..it seems like I was just writing about the spring season not so long ago ~ now we are well into fall and heading towards winter. I…
Outside My Window ~ 10.18.09
Outside My Window…is gray, gloomy and windy. At 7:30 a.m., it is 49F but could feel colder if you were outside because of the wind. We are on the tail end of a double nor’easter that came through the end of last week. The high today will be a whopping 3 degrees warmer than it is right now…..52F. I had to turn the heat on for the first time yesterday. We are forecasted to receive a bit more rain…..but the pavement is dry right now. I am thinking…how in the world three people can mess a house up so quickly? And to make matters worse, we are not here…
Outside My Window ~ 10.04.09
Outside My Window…is a beautiful morning with blue skies and no clouds in sight. The temps now are at about 68F at 9:45 a.m. When I walked out the door this morning at 6:15, it was around 61F and dark. I was off to Buckroe Beach this morning to renew my spirit and take some sunrise photos. When I arrived, it was at that moment in the morning when it is neither dark nor light…..that morning twilight period. Beautiful. In front of me, a sunrise waiting to happen, at my back was a beautiful full moon that had recently risen over the horizon. There were not many people around….a few…
Outside My Window ~ 9.20.09
Outside My Window…is a beautiful almost fall morning. We are at 65F with 73% humidity, sunny with blue skies. The forecast is for a high of 78F with patchy clouds. Beautiful. The dogwood tree leaves are beginning to turn…..they are generally the first to turn around here. I have noticed quite a few berries on mine this year. It appears that when I get a lot of berries in the fall, I get more blooms the following spring. I am thinking…about how quickly summer seemed to fly by. It doesn’t seem like that long ago I was stressing over Alanna’s prom dress and graduation. Now school has started again and…
Estate Sales
This past Saturday I was up bright and early for my run and then off to a couple of estate sales I found online. I knew one would more than likely have a wonderful view of the James River, and it did not disappoint…….. As you can see, it was a beautiful morning and the view was amazing. The little spit of land you can see across the James River is part of Ft. Eustis Army Base. What looks like buildings are actually ships….part of the Ghost Fleet that is anchored in the James River. After I made my purchases, I asked permission to take some photos of the view…