Monday Macro
The flowers of a poinsettia….
Being Still
I sent out an email to family and friends recently and told them I was “amazed that it is already August…this year has just flown by as far as I’m concerned. It makes me almost dizzy when I look back at the year and remember certain events and highlights…and the summer, almost a blur! I have come to the conclusion that I don’t always have to be doing something….it is ok to be still. Sometimes it is nice to just sit…to look around and really see…to take a moment to listen to the sounds of life. I’m practicing enjoying silence….enjoying just being still.” I was recalling a night recently when thoughts were…
Things That Made Me Smile This Week
Jasmine by my front door My roses blooming in my garden Robin Redbreast hunting bugs in the yard Blooming flowers at my mom’s house Even the ones with creatures included Backyard bunnies munching on clover Heart felt lawn ornaments…no matter how old or rusty and finally….homegrown goodness from friends What made you smile this week?