Wind Chimes
I love wind chimes…..all sizes…..all kinds. I have a small collection of wind chimes ~ three large ones outside, two large and two small inside. This is one of my small ones ~ a very small one. It may be small, but I love the unique design.
I love…….
…..my wind chimes singing to me on a windy day. ….spring mornings. ….sunsets ~ always, any time of the year. ….the first snowfall.
Tropical Soup
The heat and humidity these past few days has been brutal. This is typical weather for this area, but generally a little later in the season. I noticed that Sunday was a good ten degrees above the norm. I can usually deal with the heat…but when you add a good dose of humidity, it turns the air into a tropical soup. Miserable. I spent a good part of this evening watering my plants and flowers with rain barrel water. I used a decent amount of the water reserves this evening…..I hope we get some rain soon. It may cool things off. Thanks to Shadowhouse Creations for the free textures used on the wind chimes image ~ 1000…