Outside My Window ~ 7.19.09
Outside My Window…is me. I’m sitting outside again this morning. At 8:30, it is 74 degrees, but it is humid. There is a slight breeze so that makes it better. Mostly sunny, with some random clouds floating overhead and blocking the sun momentarily. I have had my run…I can do 2.25 miles in about a half an hour now so I have decided I can run 3 miles on the weekends ~ after today. The weekly morning runs, well their length depends on what time I roll out of bed.
I am thinking…about entering my first bee data on The Great Sunflower Project web site later today. Yup, I…
Outside My Window ~ 7.12.09
Outside My Window…actually, I am sitting on my back patio ‘outside my window’……errr, sliding glass doors. I have finished my 2.25 run on this beautiful, 78 degree, fairly muggy morning. And oh yes, it was hot when I was running. As I said, I am now in my tiny backyard enjoying a cup of blackberry sage iced tea (in my cool Catalina Island cup ~ ahhhh, Avalon ~ thanks Doo!) as I cool down. I thought “why not” sit out here and do my thing because after the run this morning, it actually feels nice and cool sitting here.
I am thinking…why a couple of my tomato leaves on…
Outside My Window Today ~ 3.29.09
Outside My Window… very cloudy and windy ~ it looks as if the rains will come any second now. Thunderstorms and wind are forecasted for today. It has rained off and on since Thursday evening. Temps are 66 at 10:00 a.m……..perfect day to be outside getting my garden ready…..too bad it looks as if the sky is going to fall any second!
I am thinking…what an interesting week it has been in the Watts household. Alanna (my oldest) got her learners permit on Monday. Funny how much time your children suddenly want to spend with you after they get that permit isn’t it? I have been letting her drive…