Waiting For Flowers
I’m looking forward to a garden full of these.
First Hard Freeze
We had a hard frost last night….
The Way It Should Be Done
Today we had a substantial rain storm right before it was time to go home. By the time I cleared my desk and quickly wrote a check for a bill I wanted to mail on the way home, it had slowed down quite a bit. While waiting at a light after leaving the Colonial Williamsburg post office, I observed an elderly couple walking up the street close by….maybe heading back to their hotel or motel. I couldn’t help but think that isn’t the way it should be done. The gentleman was walking ahead of the woman….he didn’t look happy, like he was inconvenienced by the rain. He was walking under an umbrella as…
Outside My Window ~ 7.25.10
Outside My Window…at noon, it is a balmy 95ºF and not a cloud in the sky. Nothing but sunshine and searing heat. Factor in the heat index, at this moment it feels like 103ºF. Our forecast high for today is 105ºF….I believe they said with the heat index, it will feel like 115º. I do not plan to go anywhere today. It has been unbelievably hot these past few days….unbelievably hot. To give you an idea, I looked up some historical data for this day ~ our average temp is 86ºF…our record high was 97ºF set back in 1949. It appears that record will fall on this day. We are under dangerous…