Progress…..movement, as toward a goal; advance.
Progress has been made on the side flower bed. I worked about 8 hours yesterday on it and still have a little bit to go. I was contemplating finishing it off this afternoon but that will not happen. Thunderstorms are forecasted so that little bit will have to wait.
And I caved……..I was going to turn most of it back into grass ~ but when I began to pull up the weed block, I noticed no weeds underneath, they were all on top of the little bit of old mulch I had there. So I tried pulling a few weeds, they came up very easily. Then I got to thinking….what if I plant grass and only weeds grow? So I decided to keep it flower beds……..I will probably be kicking myself next year when it is clean up time, but oh well.
Where there was no block (I’m still trying to figure out what happened to it?), it was a little more difficult…..but not too bad. I reused what block I had, and where the block was missing I tried something I had read……..I believe it was in Mother Earth News, but can’t swear to that. You use newspaper, wet it down and then cover with a layer of mulch. The paper will block the weed growth and eventually decompose into the ground. Good way to recycle paper and save dollars at the same time.
So let’s move on to before……..this is not the length of the entire yard, but gives you an idea what I was dealing with ~ taken during my time off earlier this month.
You can’t really tell in this photo, but many leaves to rake (again) and I had to dig up two azalea bush stumps I had lost due to drought for the last few years (which I think we are pretty close to being out of by the way). I also had to trim the hell out of the red tip bush you see in the after photo. It had almost grown to the rooftop. I must not have cut it back last year because I’m finding it hard to believe it grew that much this spring…….possible but unlikely. I also dug up some of the daylilies that were not getting as much sun as they like and gave them away. Now we have after……
Not bad eh?
I also found such a deal on gardening gloves at Costco a couple of weeks ago….5 pairs for $15……..and they are really nice ones too!
We are forecasted to have strong thunderstorms today with possible hail. I may have to put some buckets on my new plants so they don’t get pounded if that is the case.
To follow a little later………..No Knead Bread recipe.