• Outside My Window

    Outside My Window ~ 6.12.2011

    Outside my window…in a word, steamy.  At 11:00 this morning, it is 80°F with 73% humidity and relatively no wind…steamy.  Our forecast high for today is 89° with a 50% chance of thunderstorms.  Yesterday we had a 30% chance of storms and storm it did, for quite some time around sunset and into the night.  We received over a quarter inch of rain last night on top of the rain we received Friday night.  My plants are loving these rainstorms after baking this past week in unbelievable heat.  The whole week was hot but Thursday was incredibly hot…so hot I felt a wave of nausea wash over me when I…

  • Life In General


    The sky was percolating this evening…I’m not at all surprised.  It was hot…it was humid….and I knew something had to give sooner or later.  About 5:30 this evening, the sky darkened, rumbled and flashed as rain poured down.  It got a little dicey for a bit with the exploding thunder and lightening.  This image isn’t from this evening….tonight I was located underneath something like pictured above I suppose…except a lot bigger.  Did you notice the small rainbow on the left?  🙂  It was the Employee Appreciation Day picnic at work.  We all gathered under the enormous shade trees behind the Wren Building…waiting with bated breath for the President to speak the magic words…you can have…

  • Photography

    And then the sky boiled…

    The storms across the country have been horrific lately. I got some shots of one storm that rolled through our area a couple of nights ago. I noticed the sky had the eerie yellow hue it sometimes gets when large storms are coming. When I stepped outside to check out the sky, I thought the formations were interesting. As soon as the lightening got interesting, I decided it was time to go in. Sometimes it is amazing to witness the power of a storm. 

  • Outside My Window

    Outside My Window ~ 3.6.11

    Outside My Window…is a gray, drizzly day.  Currently at 11:00 a.m., we are at 61°F and quite cloudy.  There is a chance of rain this morning but a greater one this afternoon when our temps will climb to about 64°F for the high and we will experience steady rains and thunder.  It sounds like a typical spring day even though the first day of spring is actually two weeks away.  Two Weeks!  I’m really looking forward to spring….I am so tired of the cold this year.  Trees and plants are coming back to life in full force….before we know it there will be warmer temps and sunny days….as well as the yellow/green…

  • Life In General

    Say It Isn’t So….

    A possible subtropical system developing off the coast…say it isn’t so! I’m really not ready for the season to begin….not just yet please.   It feels subtropical outside.  I went outside this morning to do a few things and  I can honestly say I was glad I didn’t have to work outside today….it was miserable.  The air was quite thick and heavy all day and continues into this evening.     The air is filled with the intoxicating scent of jasmine tonight.  The bushes are in full bloom, their flowers are filling the night air.   Thunderstorms are  expected later tonight ~ hopefully not the crashing and exploding kind.  I wouldn’t mind a little rumbling thunder with…

  • Outside My Window

    Outside My Window ~ 5.16.10

    Outside My Window…is a beautiful, sun shiny day right now.  Current temperature at 1:20 is in the mid 70’s  with rain expected later this afternoon or evening.  We also have a chance of thunderstorms later.  Thunderstorms have been the norm the past few evenings around here and last night was no exception.  The claps of thunder were so loud they woke me from a very deep sleep….and as each daughter came out of their room this morning they asked if I heard the thunder last night.  It was as if powerful explosions were going off right outside the house…..and then the rains came pouring down.   I am thinking…since I have set…

  • Outside My Window

    Outside My Window ~ 8.30.09

    Outside My Window…is a very warm and muggy Sunday morning, closing in on afternoon.  A bit of a late start this morning.  At 11:30 it is 82F with 71% humidity.  Not such a bad morning, if you don’t move while you are outside.  The Weather Channel is forecasting thunderstorms for today, tonight and rain tomorrow.  I have found myself wishing for cooler temps more often lately.  I look forward to the cooler mornings and evenings of fall.  I do not look forward to the nor’easters that follow.  What is this odd language she speaks you ask…….this nor’easter.   Well, a nor’easter is kind of like summer’s tropical systems, except not so…

  • Outside My Window

    Outside My Window ~ 8.23.09

    Outside My Window…is a decent morning.  Temps are 81F with 68% humidity at 11:00 this morning.  Yes, it is quite toasty and muggy outside.  What was beautiful, blue, sun shiny skies is now filling with clouds.  We are forecasted today to have thunderstorms this afternoon.  This is pretty typical weather for this time of year actually.  Yesterday afternoon we had an enormous amount of rain from the front that passed through….the same one that kept Hurricane Bill away from the coast. I am thinking…about my things to do list…….and how grateful I am that Alanna remembered the time she got caught in a rip current when we were at Nags…

  • Outside My Window

    Outside My Window ~ 8.2.09

    Outside My Window…M*U*G*G*Y….overcast skies, temperature is around 79F right now and 85% humidity at 830.  Our forecast for today is thunderstorms, some possibly severe.  I ran my 3 miles this morning…..felt more like a swim with all the moisture in the air!!    🙂  I am thinking…about all the things I need to do before we leave on our trip.  I have started a list of things to take with me and will be pulling our bags out so I can start packing a few things.  It won’t be a long visit so won’t require too many things, but I tend to over-pack.  Guess it is better to have too much…