Finally….. I completed the corner of the flower bed on the side of the house yesterday. That one little corner took as long to do as the entire rest of the bed! Part of the reason, I was digging up a lot of small tree stumps and one very large red tip bush stump. The bush died some time back but the stump has held fast for several years. But yesterday ~ success! Yea baby, I feel like Hercules…..or I guess I should say Herculita.
Before……as well as the bush stump (see white arrow), all of the little Mimosa tree stumps needed to be removed. I don’t know how these trees keep coming back, but they do. And the one little vinca I planted a couple of years ago has gone wild……too wild so some of that had to come up as well. This was taken in early April when I was on vacation……
Below is the stump…..a photo after I danced my victory dance around it…..
And now……after! I transplanted a jasmine bush in the corner and added some violets as well.
The bare area between the mulch and the white bricks is where the sunflower seeds are planted. These were the seeds I received from the Great Sunflower Project. I received my seeds earlier this week with my instructions for watching for the bees.
It was a scorcher of a day today….90 degrees. Our cookout at Newport News Park was very nice…….it was warm but tolerable. Good company, good food, good times.