Outside My Window

Outside My Window ~ 6.7.2009


Outside My Window…sun is finally coming out……currently 68 degrees with a forecasted high of 80 with a mix of clouds and sun.  It is fairly humid outside, probably as a result of all the rain we got Friday evening.  And did it rain!  I just noticed on the weather channel our rain total for the month of June is 2 ¼ inches……..I wouldn’t be at all surprised if most of that came Friday night.  It would pour rain, slack off a little bit for a couple of minutes and then pour rain again.  This went on from late afternoon into the night.  But everything is so green and clean looking now…..gotta love it!  🙂

I am thinking…or I should say I’m still thinking about my morning run.  I’m thrilled to report that as of yesterday I have worked my way back up to 2 ¼ miles. While I originally started running again the beginning of March, I was only going out on weekends (weather permitting) until about two weeks ago when I started my daily morning runs.  I’m being cautious about adding distance and have slowly worked my way up to this point.  My heart is screaming go for it ~ run, run, run…….but my mind is constantly telling me to take it easy, we don’t want to get hurt again.  Since my watch broke, I don’t know how fast I’m running right at the moment…..but I’m pretty sure I’m not up to my old speed.  I do have to say, I’m feeling much better lately, sleeping better……eating better.  Not mention my breathing and resting heart rate has improved dramatically.

I am thankful for… the blue dye wearing off my hands.  Blue dye as in the type you use for tie-dying.  Yes folks, in case you didn’t know, tie-dye is back.  And yes, I’m from that era long ago when tie-dye was once upon a time popular….but I didn’t tie-dye.  My oldest daughter, Alanna, is very good at it.  She has done several items both at home and in her art classes.  So when she needed some shirts to do a few more pieces before school was out, I dug up some for her to do for me, which she did.  She was, however, unable to complete the process Friday night because she was going out.  So instructions were left for me on what to do…….you rinse and wring the pieces under water until the water runs clean and then hang to dry.  How easy is that?  So I go about the task, I rinse and wring, rinse and wring until the water runs clear.  I hang up my two shirts….turquoise/magenta and turquoise/orange….and stand back to admire the work.  Then I went to wash my hands……..hello, the dye is not coming off!!!  Was I supposed to wear gloves while rinsing and wringing??  Why wasn’t I told this??  So…….now I have slightly blue stained hands……..not so bad, it kind of looks like I have ‘no circulation to my fingers’ blue.  Maybe we can use that as a new paint color name.  🙂

From the kitchen…soon there will be over medium eggs with salsa on top and some grilled chicken.  Right now there is hazelnut cream flavored decaf coffee.  Dinner will probably be b-b-q chicken breasts with a salad.  Later this week I will be making some goodies for the graduation celebration this coming weekend.

I am creating…not much on the creation plate….not until after this graduation weekend.

I am going…to transplant a few houseplants today, plant a couple of new plants I got earlier in the week, and hopefully finish cleaning the living room today. 

I am reading…my new issue of Runner’s World magazine.  As usual, interesting stories, recipes and advice. 

I am hoping…I get all my chores done today.  I’m optimistic, but I do have quite a bit to get done today.  And of course, my constant hope to get my web pages completed……soon, I can feel it……soon!   🙂

I am hearing…the weather channel and the ticking of my many clocks.  I’m checking out the forecast for the coming weekend.

Around the house…more housework than I wish I had to do……laundry…….a graduation gown that is waiting for it’s big day…..things to put into the attic……..plants to transplant.  I’m going to be busy for a few days.  🙂

Plans for the week include…the dentist…….two vacation days……visiting with the girls relatives who are here from out of town to attend Alanna’s graduation…..and of course, the graduation.  

One of my favorite things…is listening to rain showers and seeing how green and clean everything looks afterwards. 

A picture I’d like to share with you…my day lilies are finally blooming!  I have added new photos on my Flickr site….check them out when you get a chance and let me know what you think.


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