Outside My Window

Outside My Window ~ 7.12.09


Outside My Window…actually, I am sitting on my back patio ‘outside my window’……errr, sliding glass doors.  I have finished my 2.25 run on this beautiful, 78 degree, fairly muggy morning.  And oh yes, it was hot when I was running.  As I said, I am now in my tiny backyard enjoying a cup of blackberry sage iced tea (in my cool Catalina Island cup ~ ahhhh, Avalon ~ thanks Doo!) as I cool down.  I thought “why not” sit out here and do my thing because after the run this morning, it actually feels nice and cool sitting here.   🙂

I am thinking…why a couple of my tomato leaves on the plant are turning yellow and then a little brown.  I have been keeping the plant in the moist level……not too wet, not too dry.  It doesn’t get all day sun…..morning sun, filtered hot afternoon sun, and then late afternoon sun.  I have 5 tomatoes…..not huge by any means…….anybody got any idea?

I am thankful for…still being able to run……my daughters………my job……..my home…….my family……you get the drift ~ feeling pretty good about things……and life could be much worse.

From the kitchen…I’m brewing some more tea, I am making a pan of brown rice so I can have my Breakfast of Champions breakfast a little later………..and the girls have requested Cinnabon cinnamon rolls.  For those of you who have never tried a Cinnabon cinnamon roll…….*oh*my*god*……they are like heaven on a plate.  I am, however, going to pass on them today…….maybe a taste.  😉

I am creating…far too many projects for me to complete in the time I have given myself and it is making my head spin.  I have been creating some “ghost” series digitally manipulated photos.  I will show you one on my blog in the next couple of days……..I want to look at it some more before I post it.

I am going…to Mariner’s Museum and the Noland Trail today with Alanna.  Quality time with the oldest.  They are having a free day….I hope it isn’t packed now that I think about it.   At any rate, if it is…….we are can always take a walk down the trail a little bit.  It is a beautiful nature trail that takes you around Lake Maury…..we are both going to take some photos while there.  Alanna took photography while in school and has a pretty good eye when she wants to.   

I am reading…just finished reading my Runner’s World magazine…..still hopping around to much to settle down with a book.

I am hoping…we get a little rain later today.  We aren’t desperate for it in this area……..I just like summer rains sometimes.  Not storms……..rain.   🙂

I am hearing…the breeze blowing through the trees, birds, crickets, and my water fountain in the backyard……nice.

Around the house…groan….papers to file.  Is it me, or do papers to file multiply as you sleep?  There is also laundry to do, and probably other things…….but I’m still going to the museum today.  All that stuff will be there later today….or tomorrow……..Alanna will be 18 in a couple of weeks, and I want to spend another day with my big girl before she is officially an adult. 

Plans for the week include…I haven’t really thought that far ahead to be honest.  I’m sure more random cleaning is on the menu, but other than that……..I honestly can’t say right now.

One of my favorite things…right now I would have to say it is sitting out here talking to you folks.  It would be cooler if you were sitting here though…….but we will work with what we have.

A picture I’d like to share with you…actually I have two to share with you today.  First……..my view at the moment.

garden view
Click image to see a larger version

Presenting the lovely Aphrodite of Milos, the Greek Goddess of love and beauty (Venus to all you Romans out there).  I found this statue at a great bargain and now she resides between two Cali lilies in my backyard garden……perfect!  Cailin, however, thinks it is weird we have a naked lady with no arms in our garden……and yes, we are having conversations about WHO she is.  🙂


Click image to see a larger view
Click image to see a larger view

Taken this morning around 8:00, right after my run.  First Bloom!!!  Woo Hooooo, bring on the bees🙂

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  • Gina Baynham

    How beautiful! It seems to have gone from green bud to magnificent yellow overnight. It is such a cheerful picture. You can’t help but smile around sunflowers.

    • Magikal Folk

      I agree…….sunflowers do make you smile! The blooms are really popping now ~ I’m like a kid dancing all around when I see a new one! And of course, I’m snapping a lot of photos.